Signal Processing

This dataset is associated with the paper, Jackson & Hall 2016, which is open source, and can be found here:

The DataPort Repository contains the data used primarily for generating Figure 1.


This is the data competion hosted by the IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) Technical Committee as part of the 27th IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2017), Tokyo, Japan. This year the competion is based on a dataset kindly provided Petroleum Geo-Systems (PGS), on source separation for seismic data acquistion. 

Last Updated On: 
Tue, 05/01/2018 - 15:07
Citation Author(s): 
IEEE MLSP Technical Committee

The distributed generation, along with the deregulation of the Smart Grid, have created a great concern on Power Quality (PQ), as it has a direct impact on utilities and customers, as well as effects on the sinusoidal signal of the power line. The a priori unknown features of the distributed energy resources (DER) introduce non-linear behaviours in loads associated to a variety of PQ disturbances.


The aim of the database consists of providing the researchers with a collection of power quality real-life impulsive events to test experiments and measurement instruments. The dataset provides signals recordings from the power network of the University of Cádiz during the last five years (electrical network according to the UNE-EN-50160: 2011).

The dataset offers a diversity of real impulsive events, which are specifically acquired in order to test Power Quality Instruments according to the UNE-IEC 61000-4-11: 2005.


Costas arrays are permutation matrices that meet the added Costas condition that, when used as a frequency-hop scheme, allow at most one time-and-frequency-offset signal bin to overlap another.  Databases to various orders have been available for many years.  Here we have a database that is far more extensive than any available before it.  A very powerful and easy-to-use Windows utility with a GUI accompanies the database.


This data consists of 1000 studio-quality audios and their transcription for Vietnamese northern accent. 
Each utterance has a length of 14-18 words and is spoken by a single speaker.
The corpus can be used to create a Vietnamese speech synthesis system. A tutorial also available at


A new methodology to measure coded image/video quality using the just-noticeable-difference (JND) idea was proposed in [1].  Several small JND-based image/video quality datasets were released by the Media Communications Lab at the University of Southern California in [2, 3]. In this work, we present an effort to build a large-scale JND-based coded video quality dataset. The dataset consists of 220 5-second sequences in four resolutions (i.e., 1920x1080, 1280x720, 960x540, and 640x 360).


This task evaluates performance of the sound event detection systems in multisource conditions similar to our everyday life, where the sound sources are rarely heard in isolation. Contrary to task 2, there is no control over the number of overlapping sound events at each time, not in the training nor in the testing audio data.

Last Updated On: 
Tue, 01/10/2017 - 15:56
Citation Author(s): 
Annamaria Mesaros, Toni Heittola, and Tuomas Virtanen

The dataset contains depth frames collected using Microsoft Kinect v1 during the execution of food and drink intake movements.


The dataset contains depth frames collected using Microsoft Kinect v1 during the execution of food and drink intake movements.

