Several experimental measurement campaigns have been carried out to characterize Power Line Communication (PLC) noise and channel transfer functions (CTFs). This dataset contains a subset of the PLC CTFs, impedances, and noise traces measured in an in-building scenario.
The MIMO 2x2 CTFs matrices are acquired in the frequency domain, with a resolution of 74.769kHz, in the frequency range 1 - 100MHz. Noise traces, in the time domain with a duration of about 16 ms, have been acquired concurrently from the two multi-conductor ports.
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Vehicle-to-barrier (V2B) communications is an emerging communication technology between vehicles and roadside barriers to mitigate run-off-road crashes, which result in more than half of the traffic-related fatalities in the United States. To ensure V2B connectivity, establishing a reliable V2B channel is necessary before a potential crash, such that real-time information from barriers can help (semi-)autonomous vehicles make informed decisions. However, the characteristics of the V2B channel are not yet well understood.
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This file contains the Supplemental Information cited in:
R. Rafie Borujeny and F. R. Kschischang, A Signal-Space Distance Measure for Nondispersive Optical Fiber, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
This file is a header file written in C containing the numerical values as well as the function that calculates the approximation of the adversarial distance.
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This data set contains packet captures (PCAPs) of a 5G campus network.
The corresponding paper can be found at 5G Campus Networks: A First Measurement Study
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A promising technique to realize augmented reality on future light-weight glasses is to offload computationally extensive rendering tasks to the cloud. This however places considerable demands on the network as well as the air interface with respect to latency, reliability and throughput. For evaluation of these architectures and for traffic modelling, a dataset is provided, which contains realistic payloads of cloud-rendered augmented reality in form of video files.
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In this paper, we propose a novel resource management scheme that jointly allocates the transmit
power and computational resources in a centralized radio access network architecture. The network
comprises a set of computing nodes to which the requested tasks of different users are offloaded. The
optimization problem minimizes the energy consumption of task offloading while takes the end-to-end latency, i.e., the transmission, execution, and propagation latencies of each task, into account. We aim to
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This repository contains the results of 30 public Internet browsing experiments, from a computer at the campus network of the Public University of Navarre, out of which 20 used plaintext HTTP browsing, while 10 used HTTPS. We present both the original data sources in the form of network packet traces and HAR waterfalls, as well as the processed results formatted as line-based text files.
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In the simulation experiment, OPNET simulation software was used to simulate the Space-Integrated Ground Information Intelligent Network environment to obtain the data. A satellite network composed of six satellites was used to simulate the data flow formed by the ground communication traffic through this network. The simulated time was one week and the traffic data information of a node was randomly collected for analysis and learning.
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