Secure cryptographic protocols are indispensable for modern communication systems. It is realized through an encryption process in cryptography. In quantum cryptography, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a widely popular quantum communication scheme that enables two parties to establish a shared secret key that can be used to encrypt and decrypt messages.
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Example axial and coronal phase maps and post-treatment MRI from 68 thalamotomies in essential tremor patients and four pallidotomies in Parkinson's disease patients. From the manuscript "Using phase data from MR temperature imaging to visualize anatomy during MRI-guided focused ultrasound neurosurgery" published in 2020 in IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging.
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The Costas condition on a permutation matrix, expressed as row indices as elements of a vector c, can be expressed as A*c=b, where b is a vector of integers in which no element is zero. A particular formulation of the matrix A allows a singular value decomposition in which the eigenvalues are squared integers and the eigenvalues may be scaled to vectors with all integer elements. This is a database of the Costas constraint matrices A, the scaled eigenvectors, and the squared eigenvalues for orders 3 through 100.
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The paper introduces an analytical approach to predict the no-load flux density spatial repartition of inner permanent magnet tubular-linear synchronous machines (IPM T-LSMs). It considers a trapezoidal waveform whose maximum value is predicted using a simple magnetic equivalent circuit of an elementary part of the machine. Then, the accuracy of the proposed approach is enhanced by the incorporation of a mover permeance function that accounts for the PM luxconcentrating arrangement.
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This work focuses on using the full potential of PV inverters in order to improve the efficiency of low voltage networks. More specifically, the independent per-phase control capability of PV three-phase four-wire inverters, which are able to inject different active and reactive powers in each phase, in order to reduce the system phase unbalance is considered. This new operational procedure is analyzed by raising an optimization problem which uses a very accurate modelling of European low voltage networks.
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This pdf file contains supplementary information to a published article, "Early Warning of mmWave Signal Blockage and AoA Transition Using sub-6 GHz Observations," by Ziad Ali, Alexandra Duel-Hallen and Hans Hallen, published in IEEE Communications Letters, 2019.
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The dataset contains high-resolution microscopy images and confocal spectra of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes allow down-scaling of electronic components to the nano-scale. There is initial evidence from Monte Carlo simulations that microscopy images with high digital resolution show energy information in the Bessel wave pattern that is visible in these images. In this dataset, images from Silicon and InGaAs cameras, as well as spectra, give valuable insights into the spectroscopic properties of these single-photon emitters.
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