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This dataset corresponds to the measurements of two microstrip patch antennas, collected using the facility described in [1]. The available measurements contained within the dataset allow a complete characterization of the field radiated by these antennas. These fields can be introduced in enhanced microwave imaging algorithms that consider the field radiated by the transmitting and receiving antennas of the microwave imaging system [2] (modified Delay and Sum algorithm), [3] (modified Phase Shift Migration imaging algorithm).
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This code accompanies the paper titled "An End-to-End Modular Framework for Radar Signal Processing: A Simulation-Based Tutorial," published in IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine (DOI:10.1109/MAES.2023.3334689). The simulation of a complete radar has been performed, and the results have been shown after each stage/module of a radar, enabling the reader to appreciate the impact of the specific process on the radar signal.
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This dataset contains the measurement in an ultrawide band (UWB) system in the 6.5 GHz band, considering the presence of the human body as the only obstacle. There are measurements in line-of-sight condition to compare the results of the analysis performed. The measurements are part of our research on the adverse effects of the body shadowing in pedestrian localization systems. The measurements were obtained in three distinct scenarios.
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In this brief, the distributed cubature information filtering method is proposed to solve the state estimation problem of target in passive sensor network. Firstly, the observation system model of bearing-only sensor network is established and analysised. The sensor node pairs only measure the relative angle information, and then the state estimation of the target is realized based on the DCIF algorithm.
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Future IPv6-based networks face a significant security challenge with ICMPv6 communications. An attacker uses ICMPV6 messages to saturate the target system and aims to implement a Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. A robust intrusion detection system is being developed by researchers to address these issues. Researchers have access to a restricted number of IPv6 datasets to construct a well-known intrusion detection system, however these datasets are not accessible to the public and only target on one kind of attack.
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There exist several commonly used datasets in relation to object detection that include COCO (with multiple versions) and ImageNet containing large annotations for 80 and 1000 objects (i.e. classes) respectively. However, very limited datasets are available comprising specific objects identified by visually imapeired people (VIP) such as wheel-bins, trash-Bags, e-Scooters, advertising boards, and bollard. Furthermore, the annotations for these objects are not available in existing sources.
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The dataset contains the navigation measurements obtained in the indoor experiment field. The volunteers move on the whole 4th floor of the Building D of Dong Jiu Teaching classes at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Meanwhile, the experimental area consists of a total area of 717 m 2. These datasets were used and can be used to test and validate the radio map database updating-based localization positioning algorithm through the RSSI signals space.
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The region-based segmentation approach has been a major research area for many medical image applications. A vision guided autonomous system has used region-based segmentation information to operate heavy machinery and locomotive machines intended for computer vision applications. The dataset contains raw images in .png format fro brain tumor in various portions of brain.The dataset can be used fro training and testing. Images are calssified into three main regions as frontal lobe(level -1, level-2), optus-lobe(level-1), medula_lobe(level-1,level-2,level-3).
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