Machine Learning

The file '' is the dataset collected from the GNSS sensor of "Xinda" autonomous vehicle in the Connected Autonomous Vehicles Test Fields (the CAVs Test Fields) Weishui Campus,Chang'an University.
The file '' is the simulated faults in the healthy data in '.mat' format, where X_abrupt, X_noise and X_drift represent abrupt faults, noise and drift in the long run are added into the healthy data, respectively.
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The Heidelberg Spiking Datasets comprise two spike-based classification datasets: The Spiking Heidelberg Digits (SHD) dataset and the Spiking Speech Command (SSC) dataset. The latter is derived from Pete Warden's Speech Commands dataset (, whereas the former is based on a spoken digit dataset recorded in-house and included in this repository. Both datasets were generated by applying a detailed inner ear model to audio recordings. We distribute the input spikes and target labels in HDF5 format.
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The development of electronic nose (e-nose) for a rapid, simple, and low-cost meat assessment system becomes the concern of researchers in recent years. Hence, we provide time-series datasets that were recorded from e-nose for beef quality monitoring experiment. This dataset is originated from 12 type of beef cuts including round (shank), top sirloin, tenderloin, flap meat (flank), striploin (shortloin), brisket, clod/chuck, skirt meat (plate), inside/outside, rib eye, shin, and fat.
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BS-HMS-Dataset is a dataset of the users' brainwave signals and the corresponding hand movement signals from a large number of volunteer participants. The dataset has two parts; (1) Neurosky based Dataset (collected over several months in 2016 from 32 volunteer participants), and (2) Emotiv based Dataset (collected from 27 volunteer participants over several months in 2019).
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Trained NN
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This is an observation data for water quality monitoring.
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