Social Sciences
Sign languages are the most common mode of communication with and between hearing-impaired individuals. In the Arab world, Arabic sign language is used with different dialects supporting a distinct set of rules for the gestures used. With research on natural language processing advancing, models have been developed to translate sign language to spoken language and vice versa. However, Arabic sign language has rarely been studied due to the lack of availability of datasets dealing with Arabic sign language.
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The data collection includes posts from social media networks popular among Russian-speaking people. The information was gathered using pre-defined keywords ("war," "special military operation," and so on) and is mainly relevant to Ukraine's continuing conflict with Russia. Following a thorough assessment and analysis of the data, propaganda and false news were detected. The information gathered has been anonymized. Feature engineering and text preparation can extract new insights and information from this data source.
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In recent years, many agent-based models of human groups have implemented a mechanism of emotion contagion, yet empirical validation is lagging behind. The aim of the present paper is to validate an agent-based model of emotion contagion at the level of group emotion, by comparing simulations against the emotional development of real people in small groups. To study the effect of emotion contagion, the participants interacted via a video call, where they were virtually placed in different social environments while they played a quiz.
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Several fields of study can benefit from a large, structured, and accurate dataset of historical figures. Due to a lack of such a dataset, in this paper, we aim to use machine learning and text mining models to collect, predict, and cleanse online data with a focus on age and gender. We developed a five-step method and inferred birth and death years, binary gender, and occupation from community-submitted data to all language versions of the Wikipedia project.
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・The first question (Q1) is to choose between the pedestrian-first setting and the driver-first setting of an autonomous car they are to drive.
・The second question (Q2) is to probe the aspect of the accident the participants focus on in the case of an unavoidable accident involving an autonomous car with a victim.
・The third question (Q3) was about the ideal car production for all groups, asking whether car companies should produce pedestrian- or driver-first-setting cars.
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The dataset shows the decisions of the participants in a dictator game split into two rounds. The participants faced an android as their opponent. Round 1 represents their decision in the game after they met the android and listened to its introductory speech. Round 2 is their decision in the game after having an interactive conversation with the android.
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Dataset for ICSE2023
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In the last few years, several organizations have manifested their concern over the increase in use of Hateful Speech or Hate Speech for short, this concept refers to forms of expression or audio-visual content that encourage discrimination or violence against individuals or groups solely based on their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or nationality.
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The dataset includes the responses of the healthcare professionals towards the role of information technology in the healthcare centers. In addiition, the dataset provides the participants' perception on the recent technologies and its impact on the disease detection.
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