The database contains the raw range-azimuth measurements obtained from mmWave MIMO radars (IWR1843BOOST deployed in different positions around a robotic manipulator.
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This paper presents a novel implementation scheme
of the essential circuit blocks for high performance, full-precision
Booth multipliers leveraging a hybrid logic style. By exploiting
the behavior of parasitic capacitance of MOSFETs, a carefully
engineered design style is employed to reduce dynamic power dissipation
while improving the glitch immunity of the circuit blocks.
The circuit-level techniques along with the proposed signal-flow
optimization scheme prevent the generation and propagation
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This dataset provides the magneto-inertial signals from six MIMU (2 Xsens, 2 APDM, 2 Shimmer) and orientation from 8 reflective markers (VICON) at 3 different speeds (slow, medium, fast). Marker trajectories are provided. Proprietary orientations from MIMU vendors are also included. All data are synchronized at 100 Hz.
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Including the symbol under demodulation in data-aided reference/pilot recovery process, dominates the contribution of all the received sybmols. Therefore, excluding the contribution of the symbol under detection allows other symbols to equally contributeto the reference estimation.
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Truth discovery techniques, which can obtain accurate aggregation results based on the weighted sensory data of users, are widely adopted in industrial sensing systems. However, there are some privacy matters that cannot be ignored in truth discovery process. While most of the existing privacy preserving truth discovery methods focus on the privacy of sensory data, they may neglect to protect the privacy of another equally important information, the tagged location information.
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Internet of Things (IoT) make the world easy, with healthcare applications being the most important. In general, IoT is used to interconnect advanced medical resources and provide smart and effective healthcare services to people. Advanced sensors can either be worn or embedded in patients' bodies, so that their health can be monitored remotely. Information collected in this way can be analyzed, collected, and mined to make an early prediction of diseases. Processing algorithms help physicians to personalize treatment and it helps to make healthcare affordable, with better results.
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With the increasing popularity of the Internet of Things (IoT), security issues in the IoT
network have become the focus of research. Since the number of IoT devices connected to the network
has increased, the conventional network framework faces several problems in terms of network latency
and resource overload. Fog computing is intended to construct a new network framework. However, fog
computing has also caused new security challenges, such as authentication, authorization, and secure
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