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A simple dataset that gives the processing cost (in cycles) for verifying multiple messages signed with ECDSA and implicitly certified public keys. It considers two implicit certification models: ECQV and SIMPL.
This dataset is used in article "Schnorr-based implicit certification: improving the security and efficiency of vehicular communications", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Computers. Namely, it is used as basis for building that article's Figure 2.
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Master data has played a significant role in improving operational efficiencies and has attracted the attention of many large businesses over the decade. Recent professional searches have also proved a significant growth in the practice and research of managing these master data assets.
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Development of Industrial IoT System for Anomaly Detection in Smart Factory
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This data set is the capture of the Radio Frequency emissions from 9 IoT devices using an USRP Software Defined Radio. The data set is in MATLAB format and it stores the IQ samples of the signals in space. The data set can be used for experimental and analysis on Radio Frequency identification and authentication.
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This is HCSP based dataset that is comprised of VMs and Cloudlets which could be used for task scheduling in cloud computing.
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A Traffic Light Controller PETRI_NET (Finite State Machine) Implementation.
An implementation of FSM approach can be followed in systems whose tasks constitute a well-structured list so all states can be easily enumerated. A Traffic light controller represents a relatively complex control function
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Data is obtaned from different wsn network deployed atseveral places for performing different task.
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This dataset features cooking activities with recipes and gestures labeled. The data has been collected using two smartphones (right arm and left hip), two smartwatches (both wrists) and one motion capture system with 29 markers. There were 4 subjects who prepared 3 recipes (sandwich, fruit salad, cereal) 5 times each. The subjects followed a script for each recipe but acted as naturally as possible
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