Artificial Intelligence
Traditional Static Timing Analysis (STA) assumes only single input switches at a time with the side input held at non-controlling value. This introduces unnecessary pessimism or optimism which may cause degradation of performance or chip failure. Modeling Multi-Input Switching (MIS) requires a good amount of simulations hence we provide a dataset comprising of SPICE simulations done on 2 input NAND and NOR gate.
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An accurate analysis of fluid–structure interaction (FSI) at compliant arteries via ultrasound (US) imaging and numerical modeling is a limitation of several studies. In this study, we propose a deep learning-based boundary detection and compensation (DL-BDC) technique that can segment vessel boundaries by harnessing the convolutional neural network and wall motion compensation in near-wall flow dynamics. The segmentation performance of the technique is evaluated through numerical simulations with synthetic US images and in vitro experiments.
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An accurate and reliable image-based quantification system for blueberries may be useful for the automation of harvest management. It may also serve as the basis for controlling robotic harvesting systems. Quantification of blueberries from images is a challenging task due to occlusions, differences in size, illumination conditions and the irregular amount of blueberries that can be present in an image. This paper proposes the quantification per image and per batch of blueberries in the wild, using high definition images captured using a mobile device.
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This dataset contains in-silico results of insulin treatment using a fully automated artificial pancreas algorithm based on reinforcement learning for FDA-approved virtual patients (C. D. Man et al., 2014) with type 1 diabetes (10 adults and 10 adolescents).
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eye recognition dataset
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7.8 磅
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Attempts to prevent invasion of marine biofouling on marine vessels are demanding. By developing a system to detect marine fouling on vessels in an early stage of fouling is a viable solution. However, there is a lack of database for fouling images for performing image processing and machine learning algorithm.
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Iris recognition has been an interesting subject for many research studies in the last two decades and has raised many challenges for the researchers. One new and interesting challenge in the iris studies is gender recognition using iris images. Gender classification can be applied to reduce processing time of the identification process. On the other hand, it can be used in applications such as access control systems, and gender-based marketing and so on. To the best of our knowledge, only a few numbers of studies are conducted on gender recognition through analysis of iris images.
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In order to increase the diversity in signal datasets, we create a new dataset called HisarMod, which includes 26 classes and 5 different modulation families passing through 5 different wireless communication channel. During the generation of the dataset, MATLAB 2017a is employed for creating random bit sequences, symbols, and wireless fading channels.
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This dataset page is currently being updated. The tweets collected by the model deployed at are shared here. However, because of COVID-19, all computing resources I have are being used for a dedicated collection of the tweets related to the pandemic. You can go through the following datasets to access those tweets:
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