Open Access
An annotated dataset of tongue images

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Chunlei Tang
- Last updated:
- Wed, 07/01/2020 - 03:41
- DOI:
- 10.21227/mtt8-q366
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To develop a non-invasive assessment tool using machine learning in supporting a timely, accurate diagnosis in the elderly, we created an annotated dataset of 668 tongue images collected from hospitalized geriatric patients in a tertiary hospital in Shanghai, China. Images were captured via a light-field camera using CIELAB color space (to simulate human visual perception) and then were manually labeled by a panel of subject matter experts after chart reviewing patients’ clinical information documented in the hospital’s information system.
Specific subject area
Diagnosis – Image and text data analysis
Hospitalized geriatric patients are a highly heterogeneous group often with variable diseases and conditions. Physicians, and geriatricians especially, are devoted to seeking non-invasive testing tools to support a timely, accurate diagnosis. Chinese tongue diagnosis, mainly based on the color and texture of the tongue, offers a unique solution.
Type of data
Free-text document
Each patient has a folder with 1 face image, 1 tongue image, and 2 narrative documents. An additional summary formed by table is provided.
How data were acquired
We used a patented light-field camera (CN201520303463.5) called the intelligent mirror using CIE L*a*b* color space. Our data acquisition was handled in a standardized way (i.e., ensuring consistent sitting height and placement of the intelligent mirror) as much as possible.
Data format
The face and tongue images belong to raw data and were taken at 600 pixels per inch (about 42.3 µm per pixel) and saved as a *.jpg with minimum compression (10% compression max). One narrative document is annotated and contains the parameters generated by the intelligent mirror when creating the face and tongue images, and the other contains the annotation results from the expert panel (e.g., vital signs, clinical imaging examination, and laboratory indicators).
Parameters for data collection
The study was conducted at a Chinese tertiary, comprehensive hospital. We recruited hospitalized subjects (excluding minority groups or other sensitive or disempowered populations) in the Geriatrics Department beginning in January 1, 2019. Images were captured via a light-field camera using CIELAB color space (to simulate the human visual perception) and then were manually labeled by a panel of subject matter experts after chart reviewing patients’ clinical information documented in the hospital’s information system.
Description of data collection
Data acquisition and image annotation was conducted by subject matter experts including four fully credentialed senior-level physicians (i.e., associate chief physician and above), one resident, and two medical students. One medical student was in charge of data acquisition. The resident consolidated patients’ previous chronic medical history, clinical imaging examination, and laboratory indicators. One physician diagnosed patients’ constitutional types. Another physician gave a final admission diagnosis by considering the patient’s constitution based on both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Constitutional types are based on TCM analysis and differentiation of pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes, namely 八纲辨证, including yin and yang (阴阳), exterior and interior (表里), cold and heat (寒热), and hypofunction and hyperfunction (虚实). All the information from the free-text data labeling was documented digitally by one medical student in Chinese and translated into English. The treatment plan corresponding to the admission diagnosis was reviewed and annotated by the remaining two physicians.
A total of 12 items must be merged into an annotated document, including various indices related to tongue diagnosis, physical or mental factors, clinicians’ observations, and more. To mitigate this, we used a previously designed algorithm to generate templates automatically. Under the K-means paradigm, our previously designed algorithm (1) embedded each annotated document into a vector representation for the first 200 patients, (2) partitioned those vectors into several (e.g., K=10) clusters, and (3) designated each cluster representative as a prototype template, or a vector of real annotated document closest to the centroid. For the remaining 468 patients, we used the specified prototype template to assist with the annotation.
Data source location
Shanghai, CHN
Cambridge, MA, USA
Dataset Files
sample of unlabeled data.txt (48.97 kB)
tongue_data_sample.txt (4.20 kB)
13788P_labled.jpg (591.75 kB)
13800P_labled.jpg (571.39 kB)
12877P.jpg (600.39 kB)
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Dear authors,
Thank you so much for making this dataset available to the community which can enable research on this very attractive and high potential area that is integrative medicine (combining both chinese and western medicine).
Best regards
Hugo Ferreira
Dear Authors,
Thanks for this interesting paper and for sharing the dataset.
Best regards,
Narges Manouchehri
Will share but now is on preparing.
where can we access the full dataset
where can we access the full dataset?
Thanks for interests. Please see the info below:
Repository name: Harvard Dataverse
Data identification number: N/A
Direct URL to data:
Anyway if use please reference this paper: Dan Shi, Chunlei Tang, Suzanne V. Blackley, Liqin Wang, Jiahong Yang, Yanming He, Samuel I. Bennett, Yun Xiong, Xiao Shi, Li Zhou, David W. Bates. An annotated dataset of tongue images supporting geriatric disease diagnosis, Data in Brief, Volume 32, 2020, 106153, ISSN 2352-3409,
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Hi, there - we are working on optimizing the dataset to achieve 100% labelled, will upload soon.
Thanks a lot for your patience and selfless contribution. I would be very appreciate if you could send the unlabeled (or raw) tongue images to me and we will cite your work with gratitude. My E-mail:
Dear Author, if I am not wrong, at the moment we have data of 102 subjects available.
I am developing a deep learning medical diagnosis model using tongue images. Thank you for your valuable data. Your data includes tongue images, but do you provide the medical information (labels) for each patient in a separate file?
Hi, we at IIT Delhi nare working on Tongue biometrics. I will be highly thankfull if you could share the data with me on
Hi, we at IIIT Gwalior are working on tongue image analysis. I would be very grateful if you could share the dataset with me at