The MATLAB data file “wind_speed_2015_2016_10minutely.mat” was obtained based on the original wind speed data downloaded from "Iowa Environmental Mesonet: AWOS Network Database" at the localities of Le Mars, Orange City, and Sheldon in Iowa, USA, recorded from 2015 to 2016. The raw data set has varying resolution, ranging from 5 to 10 min per sample. A fraction of missing measurements were filled in by interpolation. The resulting data-set was then re-sampled at a fixed rate of 10 min per sample, resulting in 105120 data points for each location.
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77GHz mm-Wave MIMO array with 2-transmit and 4-receive antennas achieves
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Level 2 data set. Averaging over multiple measurements were performed to reduce electronic noise and jitter
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This dataset includes the following data in supporting the submitted manuscript 'Datacube Parametrization-Based Model for Rough Surface Polarimetric Bistatic Scattering' to IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
- LUT of coefficient c from fitting the contour level bounds
- LUT of coefficient c from fitting the contour center shifts
- specular scattering coefficients from the SEBCM simulated datacube
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This dataset contains cardiovascular data recorded during progressive exsanguination in a porcine model of hemorrhage. Both wearable and catheter-based sensors were used to capture cardiovascular function; the wearable system contained a fusion of ECG, SCG, and PPG sensors while the catheter-based system was comprised of pressure catheters in the aortic arch, femoral artery, and right and left atria via a Swan-Ganz catheter.
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This MATLAB dataset (.mat) contains the collected real measurement data from a total of 470 access points (APs) deployed in the Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu, Finland. The measurements include IDs, dates of data collection, number of users, received traffic data, transmitted traffic data and location names of each AP. Each observation of traffic data and number of users provide the data value at every 10-minute interval between December 18, 2018 and February 12, 2019. Please cite this as: S. P. Sone & Janne Lehtomäki & Zaheer Khan.
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We collected experimental field data with a prototype open-ended waveguide sensor (WR975) operating between 600 MHz - 1300 MHz. With our prototype sensor we collected reflection coefficient measurements at a total of 50 unique 1-ft^2 sites across two separate established cranberry beds in central Wisconsin. The sensor was placed directly on top of cranberry-crop bed canopies, and we obtained 12 independent reflection coefficient measurements (each defined as one S11 sweep across frequency) at each 1-ft^2 site by randomly rotating and/or translating the sensor aperture above each site. After
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Synergistic prostheses enable the coordinated movement of the human-prosthetic arm, as required by activities of daily living. This is achieved by coupling the motion of the prosthesis to the human command, such as residual limb movement in motion-based interfaces. Previous studies demonstrated that developing human-prosthetic synergies in joint-space must consider individual motor behaviour and the intended task to be performed, requiring personalisation and task calibration.
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