Open Access
Wearable- and Catheter-Based Cardiovascular Signals during Progressive Exsanguination in a Porcine Model of Hemorrhage
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Jonathan Zia
- Last updated:
- Fri, 06/05/2020 - 14:48
- DOI:
- 10.21227/qk4m-wy09
- Data Format:
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This dataset contains cardiovascular data recorded during progressive exsanguination in a porcine model of hemorrhage. Both wearable and catheter-based sensors were used to capture cardiovascular function; the wearable system contained a fusion of ECG, SCG, and PPG sensors while the catheter-based system was comprised of pressure catheters in the aortic arch, femoral artery, and right and left atria via a Swan-Ganz catheter. The signals presented here have been heartbeat-separated, though heartbeat indices (in ms) are also provided for the calculation of heart rate and heart rate variability. Hypovolemia was induced by drawing blood at 7% increments until the animal reached a 20% drop in their mean arterial pressure from baseline.
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