
A wide range of wearable sensors exist on the market for continuous physiological health monitoring. The type and scope of health data that can be gathered is a function of the sensor modality. Blumio presents a dataset of synchronized data from a reference blood pressure device along with several wearable sensor types: PPG, applanation tonometry, and the Blumio millimeter-wave radar. Data collection was conducted under set protocol with subjects seated at rest. 115 study subjects were included (age range 20-67 years), resulting in over 19 hours of data acquired.


More than 40% of energy resources are consumed in the residential buildings, and most of the energy is used for heating. Improving the energy efficiency of residential buildings is an urgent problem. The collected data is intended to study a dependence of the dynamics heat energy supply from outside temperature and houses characteristics, such as walls material, year of construction, floors amount, etc. This study will support the development of methods for comparing thermal characteristics of residential buildings and carry out recommendations for the energy efficiency increases.


More than 40% of energy resources are consumed in the residential buildings, and most of the energy is used for heating. Improving the energy efficiency of residential buildings is an urgent problem. The collected data is intended to study a dependence of the dynamics heat energy supply from outside temperature and houses characteristics, such as walls material, year of construction, floors amount, etc. This study will support the development of methods for comparing thermal characteristics of residential buildings and carry out recommendations for the energy efficiency increases.


Recent US Census Data the American Community Survey,


This dataset comprises sensory data of in and out miniature vehicle (mobile sink) movement in the agriculture fields. The dataset is collected from the miniature vehicle using a 9-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor (MPU-9250) placed on the top of the vehicle. Though the vehicle is small but designed to handle all the hurdles of the agricultural land, such as rough and muddy surface. This dataset aims to facilitate appropriate path planning in the agricultural field for the automatic cultivation of seeds, manure spread, and nutrients insertion.


This dataset was prepared to estimate the winding temperature of a BLDC motor for a variable load and speed profile. It contains two files. The first one is the measurement results for the motor without cooling, while the second one is the measurement results after installing an additional cooling fan on the shaft. The data included in the files are time stamp, winding temperature, casing temperature, speed, current, power loss, mean and standard deviation of the measured quantities for 14400 data records.


The electrodes are sensors capable of reading EMG signals or ocular myoelectric activity during eye movements [1]. For this purpose, two vertical electrodes and two horizontal electrodes were used, with a reference electrode on the forehead (See the figure). 10 subjects performed 10 pseudo-random repetitions of each of the following eye movements during the experiment: Up, Down, Right, Left, no movement (fixation in the center) and blinking.


Three well-known Border Gateway Anomalies (BGP) anomalies:
WannaCrypt, Moscow blackout, and Slammer, occurred in May 2017, May 2005, and January 2003, respectively.
The Route Views BGP update messages are publicly available from the University of Oregon Route Views Project and contain:
WannaCrypt, Moscow blackout, and Slammer: http://www.routeviews.org/routeviews/.



The data include:

  • Demographic data of the participants including: gender, group of participation and number of years in the company.
  • Results of the use of Ethool including: expended time and subjective evaluation of if using a Likert of 5 points. Two different files are available corresponding to each iteration (prototype 1 and prototype 2).
  • Results of the SUS questionnaire for both iterations (prototype 1 and prototype 2).
