Open Access
Magnets for low Emittance Rings: An Overview
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Pierre Schnizer
- Last updated:
- Tue, 11/30/2021 - 15:14
- DOI:
- 10.21227/ydeb-dh47
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Low emittance rings: magnet comparison
For different light sources magnet data were gathered. The main field parameters and the multipoles were collected for the different magnets.
Main field and multipoles for the individual machines.
Typically read by pandas dataframes but similar software packages should be able to handle the data.
Main field gives main strength (dipole, gradient, ...), pole radius or pole gap and so on
Multipoles are listed for the different machines in separate files at the reference radius of the machine.
ESRF-EBS uses different reference radii internally (7 and 13 mm). Data were recalculated for a reference radius of 10 mm for this machine.
Dataset Files
ALS-U: main field parameters alsu.csv (847 bytes)
CLIC: main field parameters clic.csv (782 bytes)
Diamond: main field parameters diamond.csv (429 bytes)
Elettra: main field parameters elettra.csv (407 bytes)
ESRF-EBS: main field parameters esrf.csv (1.13 kB)
LINAC4: main field parameters linac4.csv (286 bytes)
MAX IV: main field parameters max_iv.csv (598 bytes)
SIRIUS: main field parameters sirius.csv (367 bytes)
SLS2: main field parameters sls2.csv (384 bytes)
SLS2: main field parameters longitudinal gradient bend sls2_muls_lgb.csv (267 bytes)
ALS-U: multipoles for rref 5 mm alsu_muls.csv (3.47 kB)
ESRF-EBS: multipoles for esrf_muls.csv (994 bytes)
MAX IV: multipoles for rref 10.7 mm max_iv_muls.csv (1.33 kB)
SIRIUS: multipoles for rref 12 mm sirius_muls.csv (1.27 kB)
SLS2: multipoles sls2_muls.csv (267 bytes) (3.22 kB)
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