Medical Imaging

This raw data was used in a study looking at the correlations between 10 image quality metrics (IQMs) and the subjective image quality scores of expert radiologists. Nine MR images of the abdomin and of the brain were retrospectively degraded by noise, motion, undersampling, compression, and blurring. Each of these images we then evaluated by the radiologists and the IQM scores were calculated. This data set is made up of the radiologists' scores and the IQM scores.
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Changes in left ventricular (LV) aggregate cardiomyocyte orientation and deformation underlie cardiac function and dysfunction. As such, in vivo aggregate cardiomyocyte "myofiber" strain has mechanistic significance, but currently there exists no established technique to measure in vivo cardiomyocyte strain.
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This code was used in some previous our articles, such as:
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NGM software for applied neurogoniometry. See our previous articles.
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See .doc-fie in the attachement.
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20 coronary artery and left ventricle models.
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Spectroreflectometric techniques for dactiloscopy and optical nail diagnostics are proposed and aproved on "DATACOLOR 3890"-based measuring system.
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Printed cirquit boards with charge coupled devices for on-chip lensless microscopes may be tested not in wetherometers and under solar simulators, but also under the experimental spectroreflectometric setup based on DATACOLOR 3890 with microphotometric and RS232-port-assisted data transfer into the PC memory.
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Videomicroscopic Semi-Shadow Visualization of LoC-Si (Lab-on-a-Chip_[based_on]_Silicone) test structures from Institute of Molecular Electronics (D. Shevchenko; founder of Scientific and Production Association "Microbiotechniques" Ltd.) and Russian Academy of Sciences (INEPCP RAS; ICP RAS)
Vis. Tech.: MBS-10 Binocular Stereoscopic Microscope; Indirect Angular Illumination.
Found.: Initiative project (D. Shevchenko, O. Gradov; 2015-2016)
Fab.: JSC “Voskhod” KRLZ*
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Modified characteriograph-assisted testings of spectrozonal analog lab-on-a-chip under laser beams
- “Development of the novel physical methods for complex biomedical diagnostics based on position-sensitive mapping with the angular resolution at the tissue and cellular levels using analytical labs-on-a-chip” (RFBR grant # 16-32-00914) [6 838,27 $ per year; 2016-2017];
- “Lab-on-a-chip development for personalized diagnostics” (FASIE grant 0019125) [3 039,00 $ per year; 2016-2017].
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