Medical Imaging
This paper applies AI (artificial intelligence) technology to analyze low-dose HRCT (High-resolution chest radiography) data in an attempt to detect COVID-19 pneumonia symptoms. A new model structure is proposed with segmentation of anatomical structures on DNNs-based (deep learning neural network) methods, relying on an abundance of labeled data for proper training.
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The outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China in December 2019 has rapidly spread across other countries in the world and has been declared as a global pandemic by WHO on 11th March, 2020. COVID-19 continues to have adverse effects on the health and economy of the global population and has brought immense pressure on the health care systems of the developing as well as developed countries.
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The following pages show axial T2-weighted MRI obtained at 24 hours and at 3-15 months after MRgFUS. The images shown here were registered to the same reference frame that was used in the thermal simulations; every third image is shown. To segment the bone marrow lesions, the registered images were toggled back and forth between the two time points to detect obvious changes. The lesion segmentations were completed before the acoustic and thermal simulations were performed. They were originally done on the native T2-weighted images acquired at 3-15 months after FUS.
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This set contains 1450 fundus images with 899 glaucoma data and 551 normal data.
All text about patient information and the date that the associated images were collected are replaced by 0, which is black.
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BCI-Double-ErrP-Dataset is an EEG dataset recorded while participants used a P300-based BCI speller. This speller uses a P300 post-detection based on Error-related potentials (ErrPs) to detect and correct errors (i.e. when the detected symbol does not match the user’s intention). After the P300 detection, an automatic correction is made when an ErrP is detected (this is called a “Primary ErrP”). The correction proposed by the system is also evaluated, eventually eliciting a “Secondary ErrP” if the correction is wrong.
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This demo is intended to implement Ultrasound Localization Microscopy by a modified sub-pixel convolutional neural network (mSPCN-ULM). The detailed information can be referred in Liu et al. "Deep Learning for Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2020.2986781)".
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Transcranial Doppler (TCD) echo data was recorded from healthy adults and neurocritical care adult patients. The insonated cerebral vessels were the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and the internal carotid artery (ICA). The ultrasound system used in this study was the Philips CX50.
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ADAM is organized as a half day Challenge, a Satellite Event of the ISBI 2020 conference in Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
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