Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Two high-resolution bathymetry investigations were conducted in the Lion City at a temporal interval of 14 years. The first topographic dataset were collected using a Simrad EM3000 MBES in May, 2002. In the data collection process, the DSM212 beacon-aided GPS technology was used for the horizontal positioning of the sonar.The second topographic dataset was collected using a Sonic 2024 MBES in May, 2015. The horizontal positioning information was provided by the differential GPS technology (centimeter accuracy).
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Influence of PET bottle mattress in fly ash fill following methodology were studied experimentally and analytically. Positive behaviour were observed interms of load- settlement.
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The lack of quality label data is considered one of the main bottlenecks for training machine and deep learning models. Weakly supervised learning using incomplete, coarse, or inaccurate data is an alternative strategy to overcome the scarcity of training data. We trained a U-Net model for segmenting Buildings’ footprints from a high-resolution digital elevation model, using existing label data from the open-access Microsoft building footprints data set.
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Single band homogeneous and heterogenoues dataset for change detection. The dataset includes different type of sensors an variety of cases sucha as floods, contructions, fire, ice-melting and so on.
Here you will find a demo of the work in one dataset. To acces to the full dataset please follow the github link.
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Radar data and Pluviometric data for Sardinia (Italy)
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The dataset contains UAV imagery and fracture interpretation of rock outcrops acquired in Praia das Conchas, Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Along with georeferenced .geotiff images, the dataset contains filtered 500 x 500 .png tiles containing only scenes with fracture data, along with .png binary masks for semantic segmentation and original georeferenced shapefile annotations. This data can be useful for segmentation and extraction of geological structures from UAV imagery, for evaluating computer vision methodologies or machine learning techniques.
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