
Transparency, though a term that has been long-established in other older disciplines, remains an emerging concept that different stakeholders, including requirements engineers, developers, project managers, clients and end-users in information or software systems development must consider.


Reactive project scheduling is an important branch of project scheduling under uncertainty. This paper proposes a resource-constrained multi-project reactive scheduling problem (RCMPRSP) with new project arrival to minimize the adjustment cost of the baseline schedule while achieving the deterministic multi-project scheduling goal. Although the RCMPRSP aims to minimize the adjustment cost, it adds a constraint to ensure that the reactive schedule is one of the schedules with shortest possible make-span after new project arrival.


This data collection focuses on capturing user-generated content from the popular social network Reddit during the year 2023. This dataset comprises 29 user-friendly CSV files collected from Reddit, containing textual data associated with various emotions and related concepts.


We propose a practical method to construct sparse integer-constrained cone singularities with low distortion constraints for conformal parameterizations. Our solution for this combinatorial problem is a two-stage procedure that first enhances sparsity for generating an initialization and then optimizes to reduce the number of cones and the parameterization distortion. Central to the first stage is a progressive process to determine the combinatorial variables, i.e., numbers, locations, and angles of cones.


We propose a practical method to construct sparse integer-constrained cone singularities with low distortion constraints for conformal parameterizations. Our solution for this combinatorial problem is a two-stage procedure that first enhances sparsity for generating an initialization and then optimizes to reduce the number of cones and the parameterization distortion. Central to the first stage is a progressive process to determine the combinatorial variables, i.e., numbers, locations, and angles of cones.


Computer simulations are used to assess the impact of thermal insulation on the transfer of heat and moisture in the exterior walls of residential buildings. The effects of internal and external thermal insulation on a room in a terraced family house are compared using the COMSOL Multiphysics software package, evaluating the influence of the placement of expanded polystyrene thermal insulation on the distribution of heat and moisture in the external wall while monitoring the indoor air temperature during the heating and cooling regimes.


As the global aging population continues to grow, there has been a significant increase in the number of fall-related injuries among the elderly, primarily due to reduced muscle strength and balance control, especially during sit-to-stand (STS) movements. Intelligent wearable robots have the potential to provide fall prevention assistance to individuals at risk, but an accurate and timely assessment of human movement stability is essential.


Dependence of refractive index (RI) of seawater on salinity, temperature and wavelength n (S, T, λ) in infrared band is required.However, almost all the existing empirical formulas of the RI of seawater are suitable for the visible waveband (400 nm - 700 nm). There is little report on developing the RI expression of seawater in infrared band, especially the most commonly used 1200 nm - 1650 nm waveband.

