Signal Processing
Magnetotellurics forward modeling synthesizing time series
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5G-NR is beginning to be widely deployed in the mmWave frequencies in urban areas in the US and around the world. Due to the directional nature of mmWave signal propagation, improving performance of such deployments heavily relies on beam management and deployment configurations.
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Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:
N. Thakur and C.Y. Han, “An Exploratory Study of Tweets about the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant: Insights from Sentiment Analysis, Language Interpretation, Source Tracking, Type Classification, and Embedded URL Detection,” Journal of COVID, 2022, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 1026-1049
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It contains two parts of sound and video, and they are in one-to-one correspondence.It is used for emotion recognition for speech and video and contains nine emotions.
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This dataset contains Wi-Fi sensing data using Channel State Information (CSI) for respiration rate measurements in a standard 3m x 3m room. The Wi-Fi CSI data was collected using the Wi-Fi module on the ESP32 Microcontroller units using the esp32-csi-tool. The Wi-Fi CSI data is accompanied by respiration belt data taken with the Wi-Fi measurements simultaneously using the Neulog NUL-236 respiration belt logger as ground truth.
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In this paper, we develop an internet of medical things (IoMT)-based electrocardiogram(ECG) recorder for monitoring heart conditions in practical cases. To remove noise from signals recorded by these non-clinical devices, we propose a cloud-based denoising approach that utilizes deep neural network techniques in the time-frequency domain through the two stages. Accordingly, we exploit the fractional Stockwell transform (FrST) to transfer the ECG signal into the time-frequency domain and apply the deep robust two-stage network (DeepRTSNet) for the noise cancellation.
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The EegDot data set (EEG data evoked by Different Odor Types established by Tianjin University) collected using a Cerebus neural signal acquisition equipment involved thirteen odor stimulating materials, five of which (smelling like rose (A), caramel (B), rotten (C), canned peach (D), and excrement (E)) were selected from the T&T olfactometer (from the Daiichi Yakuhin Sangyo Co., Ltd., Japan) and the remaining eight from essential oils (i.e., mint (F), tea tree (G), coffee (H), rosemary (I), jasmine (J), lemon (K), vanilla (L) and lavender (M)).
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Conventionally, the texture of the object is used for material imaging. However, this method can mistake an image of an object, for the object itself. This dataset furthers a new and more relevant method to classify the material of an object. This data is richer, compared to RGB images, because the time of flight responses correlate with the material property of an object. This makes the features, thus extracted, more suitable to infer the material information.
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