Machine Learning

This dataset contains measurements of TPC-C benchmark executions in MySQL server deployed in Google Cloud Platform.
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The SiCWell Dataset contains data of battery electric vehicle lithium-ion batteries for modeling and diagnosis purposes. In this experiment, automotive-grade lithium-ion pouch bag cells are cycled with current profiles plausible for electric vehicles.
The analysis of current ripples in electric vehicles and the corresponding aging experiments of the battery cells result in a dataset, which is composed of the following parts:
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This dataset contains world news related to politics and also with the news article's available metadata.
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This dataset contains world news related to Science and technology and also with the news article's available metadata.
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This dataset contains world news and also the news article's available metadata.
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Data augmentation is commonly used to increase the size and diversity of the datasets in machine learning. It is of particular importance to evaluate the robustness of the existing machine learning methods. With progress in geometrical and 3D machine learning, many methods exist to augment a 3D object, from the generation of random orientations to exploring different perspectives of an object. In high-precision applications, the machine learning model must be robust with respect to the small perturbations of the input object.
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The dataset contains UAV imagery and fracture interpretation of rock outcrops acquired in Praia das Conchas, Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Along with georeferenced .geotiff images, the dataset contains filtered 500 x 500 .png tiles containing only scenes with fracture data, along with .png binary masks for semantic segmentation and original georeferenced shapefile annotations. This data can be useful for segmentation and extraction of geological structures from UAV imagery, for evaluating computer vision methodologies or machine learning techniques.
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Datasets for image and video aesthetics
1. Video Dataset : 107 videos
This dataset has videos that can be framed into images.
Color contrast,Depth of Field[DoF],Rule of Third[RoT] attributes
that affect aesthetics can be extracted from the video datasets.
2.Slow videos and Fast videos can be assessed for motion
affecting aesthetics
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