Computer Vision
We introduce a new robotic RGBD dataset with difficult luminosity conditions: ONERA.ROOM. It comprises RGB-D data (as pairs of images) and corresponding annotations in PASCAL VOC format (xml files)
It aims at People detection, in (mostly) indoor and outdoor environments. People in the field of view can be standing, but also lying on the ground as after a fall.
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The recent interest in using deep learning for seismic interpretation tasks, such as facies classification, has been facing a significant obstacle, namely the absence of large publicly available annotated datasets for training and testing models. As a result, researchers have often resorted to annotating their own training and testing data. However, different researchers may annotate different classes, or use different train and test splits.
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This dataset was developed at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology as part of the ongoing activities at the Center for Energy and Geo-Processing (CeGP) at Georgia Tech and KFUPM. LANDMASS stands for “LArge North-Sea Dataset of Migrated Aggregated Seismic Structures”. This dataset was extracted from the North Sea F3 block under the Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0).
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We present a dataset of human visual attention on 2D images during scene free viewing. This dataset includes 1900 images, which are corrputed by various image transformations. This dataset is manually annotated with human eye-movement data recorded by Tobii X120 eye-tracker. This dataset provides a new benchmark to measure the robustness of saliency prediction models on various transformed scenes.
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The is a dataset for indoor depth estimation that contains 1803 synchronized image triples (left, right color image and depth map), from 6 different scenes, including a library, some bookshelves, a conference room, a cafe, a study area, and a hallway. Among these images, 1740 high-quality ones are marked as high-quality imagery. The left view and the depth map are aligned and synchronized and can be used to evaluate monocular depth estimation models. Standard training/testing splits are provided.
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PRECIS HAR represents a RGB-D dataset for human activity recognition, captured with the 3D camera Orbbec Astra Pro. It consists of 16 different activities (stand up, sit down, sit still, read, write, cheer up, walk, throw paper, drink from a bottle, drink from a mug, move hands in front of the body, move hands close to the body, raise one hand up, raise one leg up, fall from bed, and faint), performed by 50 subjects.
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The dataset consists of 60285 character image files which has been randomly divided into 54239 (90%) images as training set 6046 (10%) images as test set. The collection of data samples was carried out in two phases. The first phase consists of distributing a tabular form and asking people to write the characters five times each. Filled-in forms were collected from around 200 different individuals in the age group 12-23 years. The second phase was the collection of handwritten sheets such as answer sheets and classroom notes from students in the same age group.
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As one of the research directions at OLIVES Lab @ Georgia Tech, we focus on the robustness of data-driven algorithms under diverse challenging conditions where trained models can possibly be depolyed. To achieve this goal, we introduced a large-sacle (1.M images) object recognition dataset (CURE-OR) which is among the most comprehensive datasets with controlled synthetic challenging conditions. In CURE
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As one of the research directions at OLIVES Lab @ Georgia Tech, we focus on the robustness of data-driven algorithms under diverse challenging conditions where trained models can possibly be depolyed. To achieve this goal, we introduced a large-sacle (~1.72M frames) traffic sign detection video dataset (CURE-TSD) which is among the most comprehensive datasets with controlled synthetic challenging conditions. The video sequences in the
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