Image Processing

The diversity of video delivery pipeline poses a grand challenge to the evaluation of adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming algorithms and objective quality-of-experience (QoE) models.
Here we introduce so-far the largest subject-rated database of its kind, namely WaterlooSQoE-IV, consisting of 1350 adaptive streaming videos created from diverse source contents, video encoders, network traces, ABR algorithms, and viewing devices.
We collect human opinions for each video with a series of carefully designed subjective experiments.
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These last decades, Earth Observation brought quantities of new perspectives from geosciences to human activity monitoring. As more data became available, artificial intelligence techniques led to very successful results for understanding remote sensing data. Moreover, various acquisition techniques such as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can also be used for problems that could not be tackled only through optical images. This is the case for weather-related disasters such as floods or hurricanes, which are generally associated with large clouds cover.
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Recently, the coronavirus pandemic has made the use of facial masks and respirators common, the former to reduce the likelihood of spreading saliva droplets and the latter as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). As a result, this caused problems for the existing face detection algorithms. For this reason, and for the implementation of other more sophisticated systems, able to recognize the type of facial mask or respirator and to react given this information, we created the Facial Masks and Respirators Database (FMR-DB).
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Three groups of defective sample images and the ground-truth images were artificially generated through some algorithms, including five types of defects, namely, broken end, hole, netting multiple, thin bar and thick bar.
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The color fractal images with correlated RGB color components were generated using the midpoint displacement alogrithm, using vectorial increments in the RGB color space, according to a multivariate Gaussian distribution specified by the variance-covariance matrix. This data set contains two sets of 25 color fractal images with two color components, of varying complexity expressed as the color fractal dimension, as a function of (i) the Hurst coefficient that was varied from 0.1 to 0.9 in steps of 0.2 and (ii) the correlation coefficient between the red and green color channels.
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Microscopic image based analysis plays an important role in histopathological computer based diagnostics. Identification of childhood medulloblastoma and its proper subtype from biopsy tissue specimen of childhood tumor is an integral part for prognosis.The dataset is of Childhood medulloblastoma (CMB) biopsy samples. The images are of 10x and 100x microscopic magnifications, uploaded in separate folders. The images consist of normal brain tissue cell samples and CMB cell samples of different WHO defined subtypes. An excel sheet is also uploaded for ease of data description.
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The dataset contains 2,400 vehicle images for license plate detection purposes. Images are taken from actively operating commercial cameras which are installed on a highway and in an entrance of a shopping mall. Images
contain generally one vehicle, but sometimes can contain two or more vehicles. For each image in pixel domain there exists two different images generated from encoded High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) stream using our method.
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We introduce HUMAN4D, a large and multimodal 4D dataset that contains a variety of human activities simultaneously captured by a professional marker-based MoCap, a volumetric capture and an audio recording system. By capturing 2 female and 2 male professional actors performing various full-body movements and expressions, HUMAN4D provides a diverse set of motions and poses encountered as part of single- and multi-person daily, physical and social activities (jumping, dancing, etc.), along with multi-RGBD (mRGBD), volumetric and audio data. Despite the existence of multi-view color datasets c
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This dataset is for light field image augmentaion. The dataset contains 100 pairs of light field image, each of them consists of "original" and "modified". "Original" is light field image with only background, "modified" is light field image with exactly same background and an object on it.
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