
This dataset is used to design patent and many machines can be designed using this dataset.

This is a very important dataset to do breakthrough. One of the secrets behind invention is revealed in these datasets.

Part of this design, with manually done tabulated calculations were submitted as the proposal design (for innovation challenge) proposed by the author, in the small concept paper to Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India in the year 2017.

 As the Excel files(using LibreOffice) are given, so no paper is written is for it.


The AMPds dataset has been release to help load disaggregation/NILM and eco-feedback researcher test their algorithms, models, systems, and prototypes. This dataset is intended to be multi-year capture of the consumption of my house. This dataset contains electricity, water, and natural gas measurements at one minute intervals. This dataset contains a total of 1,051,200 readings for 2 years of monitoring (from April/2012 to March/2014) per meter. There are a total of 21 power meters, 2 water meters (with additional appliance usage annotations), and 2 natural gas meters.


This dataset is in support of my research paper  'Design and Analysis of 2kW Residential PEM Fuel Cell Inverter '.

Preprint :  
