Standard Dataset
Data: Residential Wind Turbine PD,Power and Blades
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Abhishek Bansal
- Last updated:
- Mon, 01/16/2023 - 02:15
- DOI:
- 10.21227/s9jn-f484
- Data Format:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
wind turbine, free energy, Power, residential, probability distribution, blades, frequency response function, modal parameters, Vibration, probability density function, pdf, cdf, Weibull, Cumulative distribution function, Hyperbolic, secant, exponential, wind distribution, Rayleigh, Kaiser, Chebyshev, order analysis
This dataset is used to design patent and many machines can be designed using this dataset.
This is a very important dataset to do breakthrough. One of the secrets behind invention is revealed in these datasets.
Part of this design, with manually done tabulated calculations were submitted as the proposal design (for innovation challenge) proposed by the author, in the small concept paper to Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India in the year 2017.
As the Excel files(using LibreOffice) are given, so no paper is written is for it.
Related Claim : Novel ß Non-Linear Theory, Novel ß Wind Turbine Urban Residential Controller and Novel ß Wind Vibration Octa Axis Harvesting System in Patent 'Novel ß 10-Axis Grid Compatible Multi-Controller'
Though the uploaded data is true,designed for the real practical scenarios only, technical familiarity is a must as it involves risks associated with handling high voltages, electrical shock, fire hazard , personal injury and/or property damage etc. The author is not responsible if the algorithm is misunderstood or all this is copied without understanding or improperly implemented and mishappening due to it. The values though analyzed but still do not guarantee anything.The author is not responsible if the copied values cause mishappening.
Read Me
(1) This neither contain any complete project folder nor any source code of project.
(2) Extra Libraries created, modified , other scripts , not shared, as very elementary for any graduate,degree holder or school student.
(3) All work is simple , on basic and elementary concepts, can be easily copied, remade and understood.
(4) It is ridiculous to ask how dataset can be used to do breakthrough but I have explained it in Patent claim, and this would also be explained in my 2 books (to be published in the year 2023).
(5) Rather than making spreadsheet book, all files are given in separate excel sheets.
(6) The hurricanes, storms and other wind categories are according to US Dept of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Hurricane Center ( ).
(7) If any problem in creating or copying, pls contact your university professor or board or any of the companies engineer.
(8) No other question or email will be replied.
For Script uploaded on IEEE Codeocean, pls. read details given in ReadMe.txt.
Capsule : Comparison Plots of Residential Wind Turbine PD,Power and Blades
DOI (IEEE Codeocean) :
Dataset Files
1) Total Datasets = 1659.
2) Attached files are
- windspeed.csv
- windspeed.pdf
- windspeed.xlsx
- sweptarea.csv
- sweptarea.pdf
- sweptarea.xlsx
- air density.csv
- air density.pdf
- air density.xlsx
- 14 Zipped folders -,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- 14 Zipped folders -,,,,,,,,,
- Wind_Hyperbolic.xlsx
- Blade_
- Blade_
- Blade_
- Blade_
- Blade_
- Blade_
- Blade_
3) windspeed.csv, windspeed.pdf, windspeed.xlsx is the list of 1101 wind speeds of wind in m/s, meters per second from 0.1 miles per hour to 110.1 miles per hour.
4) sweptarea.csv, sweptarea,pdf, sweptarea.xlsx is the list of 100 swept areas by blades to be used at residential wind turbine.
5) airdensity.csv,airdensity.pdf, airdensity.xlsx is the list of 59 air densities from 0° celsius to 60º celsius, that is, 32 ºF to 140 ºF (fahrenheit).
6) Thus, calculations are done separately for each of 1101 wind speed, at 14 swept areas and at 59 air densities.
7), ...., are 14 folders according to 100 swept areas.
8) Each of the has 59 files according to 59 air densities. These make 826 ( 14 x 59) datasets. The power calculated is in Watts(W).
9), ...., have datasets as
- powerdelivered_ad1.xlsx
- powerdelivered_ad2.xlsx
- powerdelivered_ad3.xlsx
- powerdelivered_ad4.xlsx
- ........................................
- powerdelivered_ad56.xlsx
- powerdelivered_ad57.xlsx
- powerdelivered_ad58.xlsx
- powerdelivered_ad59.xls
10) In files powerdelivered_ad1.xlsx,powerdelivered_ad2.xlsx,powerdelivered_ad3.xlsx, ..., powerdelivered_ad58.xlsx,powerdelivered_ad59.xlsx, suffix ad refers to the air density, ad1, ad2, ..., ad57, ad58, ad59 means the air density at row 1 , row 2, row 3, ... row56, row 57, row 58, row 59. For the list of air densities, pls see airdensity.csv,airdensity.pdf, airdensity.xlsx.
11) Thus,
- powerdelivered_ad1.xlsx is the Power Delivered in Watts (W) at Air Density = 1.2922837 kg/m3
- powerdelivered_ad2.xlsx is the Power Delivered in Watts (W) at Air Density = 1.2782447 kg/m3
- powerdelivered_ad3.xlsx is the Power Delivered in Watts (W) at Air Density = 1.2736326 kg/m3
- ........................................
- powerdelivered_ad58.xlsx is the Power Delivered in Watts (W) at Air Density = 1.0627346 kg/m3
- powerdelivered_ad59.xlsx is the Power Delivered in Watts (W) at Air Density = 1.0595446 kg/m3
12) Hence
- powerdelivered_ad1.xlsx file in the folder '' refers to the Power Delivered in Watts (W) at swept area 0.5 m2 at Air Density = 1.2922837 kg/m3
- powerdelivered_ad1.xlsx file in the folder '' refers to the Power Delivered in Watts (W) at swept area 1 m2 at Air Density = 1.2922837 kg/m3
- ........................................................................................................................
- powerdelivered_ad1.xlsx file in the folder '' refers to the Power Delivered in Watts (W) at swept area 8 m2 at Air Density = 1.2922837 kg/m3
- powerdelivered_ad1.xlsx file in the folder '' refers to the Power Delivered in Watts (W) at swept area 9 m2 at Air Density = 1.2922837 kg/m3
13),,...,, are 12 folders according to electrical output at these 14 swept areas. These also make 708 ( 12 x 59) datasets.
14),..., have 39 efficiencies in 39 columns from column 'A' to column 'AP'. The 39 efficiencies are
2.5 %,5 %,7.5 %,10 %,12.5 %,15 %,17.5 %,20 %,22.5 %, 25 %,27.5 %,30 %,32.5 %,35 %,37.5 %,
40 %,42.5 %,45 %,47.5 %,50 %,52.5 %,55 %,57.5 %,60 %,62.5 %,65 %,67.5 %,70 %,72.5 %,
75 %,77.5 %,80 %,82.5 %,85 %,87.5 %,90 %,92.5 %,95 %,97.5 %
15) The xlsx files in these folders are named in similar fashion as (9) and (10).
electrical_output_ad1.xlsx, electrical_output_ad2.xlsx, electrical_output_ad3.xlsx,electrical_output_ad4.xlsx,electrical_output_ad5.xlsx,
16) suffix ad refers to the air density, ad1, ad2, ..., ad57, ad58, ad59 means the air density at row 1 , row 2, row 3, ... row56, row 57, row 58, row 59. For the list of air densities, pls see airdensity.csv,airdensity.pdf, airdensity.xlsx.
17) has 35 files, which are probability density function(PDF)and cumulative distribution function (CDF) with their plotted results at 7 shape and 7 scale parameters at 1101 wind speeds, in 1101 rows and in columns 'A' to 'G'. Datasets = 35.
- 7 xlsx - Weibull1.xlsx,Weibull2.xlsx,Weibull3.xlsx,Weibull4.xlsx,Weibull5.xlsx,Weibull6.xlsx,Weibull7.xlsx
- 14 .mat - r1a, r1b, r2a,r2b,r3a,r3b,r4a,r4b,r5a,r5b,r6a,r6b,r7a,r7b
- 14 .mat -y1a,y1b, y2a,y2b,y3a,y3b,y4a,y4b,y5a,y5b,y6a,y6b,y7a,y7b
- λ = 30, k = 20.2 ,for r1a, r1b, y1a, y1b
- λ = 30, k = 15.2 ,for r2a, r2b, y2a, y2b
- λ = 30, k = 10.2 ,for r3a, r3b, y3a, y3b
- λ = 30, k = 6.2 ,for r4a, r4b, y4a, y4b
- λ = 30, k = 2.2 ,for r5a, r5b, y5a, y5b
- k= 2.2. λ = 12.5, for r6a, r6b, y6a, y6b,
- k =6.2, λ = 12.5,for r7a, r7b, y7a, y7b
- N= 1000 for r1a and y1a, r2a and y2a, r3a and y3a, r4a and y4a, r5a and y5a.
- N=50 000 for r1b and y1b, r2b and y2b, r3b and y3b, r4b and y4b, r5b and y5b.
18) has 5 files, which are probability density function(PDF)and cumulative distribution function (CDF) with their plotted results at 5 scale parameters at 1101 wind speeds.
19) Wind_Hyperbolic.xlsx has probability density function(PDF) at 1101 wind speeds.
20) Blade_ is the modal analysis result of the estimation of frequency response functions.
21) Blade_ has following 27 datasets
- dr1.mat
- dr2.mat
- dr3.mat
- dr4.mat
- EstimationData.mat
- f0.mat
- f1.mat
- f2.mat
- f3.mat
- fn1.mat
- fn2.mat
- fn3.mat
- fn4.mat
- fn.mat
- FRF1.mat
- FRF2.mat
- FRF3.mat
- H0.mat
- ms.mat
- Tdiff2.mat
- Tdiff3.mat
- X0.mat
- X1.mat
- X2.mat
- Y0.mat
- Y1.mat
- Y2.mat
22) dr1, ...dr4 are the indices of the driving point of the frequency-response functions.
23) f0, ...f4 requency-response functions are defined at these points.
24) fn,fn1,...fn4 are the set of modal parameters.
25) FRF1,...,FRF3 are the frequency-response functions.
26) H0 is the estimator.
27) Y0,Y1,Y2 define the displacement of the mass of 3 blades.
28) EstimationData is the data object which can be used for model estimation.
29) ms.mat is the mode shapes and can be visualized by examining the imaginary part of the frequency response function.
30) Tdiff2.mat and Tdiff3.mat is the 3 x2 matrix of the differences of the frequency and the differences of the damping.
31) Blade_ is of order 6, with wind speed from 0.044704 to 49.219104 m/s. The data is windowed with Chebyshev window for order analysis.
32) Blade_ is of order 18, with wind speed from 0.044704 to 49.219104 m/s. The data is windowed with Chebyshev window for order analysis.
33) Blade_ is of order 36, with wind speed from 0.044704 to 49.219104 m/s. The data is windowed with Chebyshev window for order analysis.
34) Blade_ is of order 6, with wind speed from 0.044704 to 49.219104 m/s. The data is windowed with Kaiser window for order analysis.
35) Blade_ is of order 18, with wind speed from 0.044704 to 49.219104 m/s. The data is windowed with Kaiser window for order analysis.
36) Blade_ is of order 36, with wind speed from 0.044704 to 49.219104 m/s. The data is windowed with Kaiser window for order analysis.
37) Blade_, Blade_ Blade_, Blade_, Blade_ and Blade_ has following 8 datasets in each zipped folder.
- map.mat
- or1.mat
- or.mat
- rp1.mat
- rp.mat
- rpm.mat
- t.mat
- x.mat
38) t is the time scale from 0 seconds to 7200 seconds
39) rpm is the revolutions per minute
40) x is the chirp signal which is created at orders 6, order 18 and order 36 at which it gets started and returns back to this order when the measurement is finished.
41) map is the order-RPM map matrix
How use Dataset Files
The data can be studied and used in various ways.
(1) The dataset can be used by energy audit companies, manufacturers, R&D engineers,railway division, metro, military/drone manufacturers etc.
(2) The dataset can be used to design more variants and many machines.
(3) The dataset can be used for study using less engineering knowledge or with open-source softwares.
(4) There are many data analysis softwares - proprietary and open source softwares.
(5) The dataset can be loaded into proprietary softwares or trial versions of Finite element or other simulation softwares to regenerate same model or other model or to conduct other study.
(6) The Blade_ can be used for vibrational analysis and bode plots can be drawn. The Blade_ or Blade_ data can be used for vibrational analysis of the rotor hub as even the Category 2 hurricane has been taken into account, which is classified as 'Extremely dangerous winds will cause extensive damage'.
(7) One particular study or some experiments can be copied for degree thesis, project or phd thesis.
(8) Author has used this data to make novelty in his patent.
(9) Author has mentioned this dataset in his patent claim and invention.
10) Govt or Standard agencies may publish the datasets as separate tabulated book(with permission from author) but the author will publish these tables in his own book.
Paper Citing : If want to cite this in paper etc. ,please refer DoI and/or this url.
Funding: There are no funders for this submission. The author has himself fully self-financed (for his passion). I expect all these papers, would be nice Shroud for the passion and the price paid.
Acknowlegement : The author as such thankful to none and does not have any special name to be acknowledged.
Dataset Files
air density.csv (10.79 kB)
air density.pdf (29.39 kB)
air density.xlsx (17.56 kB)
Blade_ (51.47 MB)
Blade_ (51.47 MB)
Blade_ (51.47 MB)
Blade_ (51.89 MB)
Blade_ (51.89 MB)
Blade_ (51.89 MB) (10.75 MB) (39.51 MB) (39.72 MB) (39.52 MB) (39.73 MB) (39.48 MB) (39.70 MB) (39.45 MB) (39.71 MB) (39.47 MB) (39.71 MB) (39.71 MB) (39.72 MB) (722.74 kB)
sweptarea.csv (10.30 kB)
sweptarea.pdf (19.94 kB)
sweptarea.xlsx (16.88 kB) (2.23 MB) (2.23 MB) (2.23 MB) (2.22 MB) (2.23 MB) (2.22 MB) (2.22 MB) (2.22 MB) (2.23 MB) (2.22 MB) (2.22 MB) (2.22 MB) (2.22 MB) (2.22 MB) (5.80 MB)
Wind_Hyperbolic.xlsx (51.38 kB)
windspeed.csv (23.03 kB)
windspeed.pdf (47.28 kB)
windspeed.xlsx (31.30 kB)
The blade_freq can be improved and more datasets could be added in this particular 'blade_freq' with more variations in the blades/materials or thickness or lengths or load.The order vibration analysis can also be improved with practical design and not revealed as used to claim novelty but the order rpm dataset is good. It cannot be fully revealed here and there will be more changes in the existing design. These could be generated on a large time scale rather than 7200 seconds with more variation noise can be added and other variations in the parameters with study on Eigen-frequencies can be done but the datasets act as good starting point in both the modal and order vibration analysis.
So, if I make improvements and want to submit in future related with this design, it will be in different DOI/dataset, not in this dataset. For this DOI, datasets are completed.
This entry is for International Contest(Category:Individual,Solo), the datasets have been uploaded only during the contest time period.
This DOI entry is complete. If I make new prototype or do simulation, it will be in another DOI/dataset.
Abhishek Bansal
I m not completing research paper, the earlier version got lost in computer crash.
I will not re-write or submit paper as left R&D.
Abhishek Bansal
Patents not yet filed and won't be filed. Related claims may be submitted in few months or in 20-30 years or never.
Abhishek Bansal
The patent name is officially changed to 'Novel ß Multi-Axis Grid Compatible Residential System' with lot of modification in the design and exclusion of earlier and inclusion of new components/designs. It is still not in presentable form. I m involved in personal problems and pending research submission. I m not bounded but this is my invention/patent Intellectual Property India & Controller General,CGPDTM.
Abhishek Bansal
Acknowledgement : The author as such is thankful to none but obliged to his family for bearing his personal endeavours! The papers are submitted under individual and solo category, not representing anyone else. If invited or given any award, he is representing only himself, as an individual and not anyone else, not India as it is criminal by Indian laws. The author cannot, for the humiliation, harassment, and now all wrap up.
Someone had raised concern "... prohibited to work ...without qualification..."
In my personal case, I am only representing only myself not anyone else, not country. As far as this is taken, it is not criminal.
I am always attaching legal acknowledgement and disclosure, (which some graduates find ...)
I have stated above but some still taking for granted and if I DO NOT control, they &critics knowcan put me in non-bail jail. You not reading legal disclousure statement, and its clear from both sides as your .. x cannot pay 1/4 of the fresher with 20yr exp., and it is evident the shameless, torture behaviour and coverup with lies even in court, IT IS permanently damaged for coming 1000 years+.
In legal disclosure, I have clearly stated it is criminal by indian laws as was even questioned by registrar in 2015, how did electrical from electronics.
You shouldnot expect anything more than my paid service.