This dataset contains requests execution times for comparison of direct requests and requests via API gateway to test API.
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Background: Insomnia as one of the dominant diseases of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been extensively studied in recent years. To explore the novel approaches of research on TCM diagnosis and treatment, this paper presents a strategy for the research of insomnia based on machine learning.
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The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has opened new research lines that focus on applying IoT applications to domains further beyond basic user-grade applications, such as Industry or Healthcare. These domains demand a very high Quality of Service (QoS), mainly a very short response time. In order to meet these demands, some works are evaluating how to modularize and deploy IoT applications in different nodes of the infrastructure (edge, fog, cloud), as well as how to place the network controllers, since these decisions affect the response time of the application.
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This dataset contains nearly 1 Million unique movie reviews from 1150 different IMDb movies spread across 17 IMDb genres - Action, Adventure, Animation, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, History, Horror, Music, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Sport, Thriller and War. The dataset also contains movie metadata such as date of release of the movie, run length, IMDb rating, movie rating (PG-13, R, etc), number of IMDb raters, and number of reviews per movie.
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Vehicular networks have various characteristics that can be helpful in their inter-relations identifications. Considering that two vehicles are moving at a certain speed and distance, it is important to know about their communication capability. The vehicles can communicate within their communication range. However, given previous data of a road segment, our dataset can identify the compatibility time between two selected vehicles. The compatibility time is defined as the time two vehicles will be within the communication range of each other.
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One-way delay (OWD) is the transmission time of the network packet from the first to the last bit from the sender node to the receiver node. The data set presented here was obtained as a result of measurements performed for the paper “Improving the Accuracy of One-Way Delay Measurements”.
One-way delay measurements were performed using three different utilities:
* the utility from the OWAMP protocol;
* first version of our utility, owping1; and
* the new version of our utility, owping2.
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This dataset contains the results of the simulation runs of the experiments performed to evaluate and compare the proposed spatial model for situated multi-agent systems. The model was introduced in a paper entitled "BioMASS, a spatial model for situated multiagent systems that optimizes neighborhood search". In this paper we presented a new model to implement a spatially explicit environment that supports constant-time sensory (neighborhood search) and locomotion functions for situated multiagent systems.
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This is a dataset of Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) simulation results of 13 defective crystals and one non-defective crystal. There are 4 fields in the dataset, namely: Real, Img, Int, and Attribute. The header real shows a real part of the simulated result, img shows the imaginary part, int gives the intensity all in superimposed form. Attribute denotes the label of a crystal simulated. The label 0 is for the simulated crystal, which is non-defective. Other 13 labels, from crystal 1 to crystal 13 are assigned to the 13 different crystals whose simulations are studied.
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Modern science is build on systematic experimentation and observation. The reproducibility and replicability of the experiments and observations are central to science. However, reproducibility and replicability are not always guaranteed, sometimes referred to as 'crisis of reproducibility'. To analyze the extent of the crisis, we conducted a survey on the state of reproducibility in remote sensing. This survey was conducted as an online survey. The answers of the respondents are saved in this dataset in full-text CSV format.
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The dataset consists of the following columns:
Data description
ColumnDescriptiongift_idUnique ID of giftgift_typeType of gift (clothes/perfumes/etc.)gift_categoryCategory to which the gift belongs under that gift typegift_clusterType of industry the gift belongsinstock_dateDate of arrival of stockstock_update_dateDate on which the stock was updatedlsg_1 - lsg_6Anonymized variables related to giftuk_date1, uk_date2Buyer related datesis_discountedShows whether the discounted is applicable on the giftvolumesNumber of packages boughtpriceThe total price
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