*.csv (zip); *.xlsx (zip)

The Biomolecular Adsorption Database, BAD, is an archive of the data regarding protein adsorption on flat solid surfaces, as reported in peer-reviewed literature.


Mashup and Web API dataset
This is a dataset used in Web API Recommendation which contains real data crawled from the ProgrammableWeb between 2019 and 2020. And the dataset includes 6217 Mashup services and 11930 Web APIs.
Each mashup data includes its name, tags, description text, called APIs, and categories. And each Web API data contains its name, tags and description text.


This dataset reports information on Metanet model parameters and traffic conditions on the intercity bus line in Liguria (Italy) that connects Savona with FInalborgo. The dataset also contains information resulting from the model execution, reporting flows, speeds, densities, and boundary conditions of two traffic scenarios corresponding to two different periods of the day (7 am-9 am) (2 pm-4 pm)


The original data includes structured and unstructured impact factors. The structured impact factors are from the wind database, and the unstructured impact factors are from the official Baidu Index website, obtained through the Python 3.8 crawler.

The preprocessed data is filled with the original data after excluding outliers and some missing values, which is used to screen influencing factors.


<p>Mixed critical applications are real-time applications that have a combination of both high and low-critical tasks. Each task set has primary tasks and two backups of high-critical tasks. In the work carried out, different synthetic workloads and case studies are used for extracting the schedule and overhead data on a real-time operating system. The utilization of the task sets lies between 0.7 to 2.4.The Linux kernel is recompiled with Litmus-RT API to monitor the scheduling decisions and also measure the overheads incurred.


Mobile phones are central to modern communication, yet for individuals with tremors, the precision required for touch-based interfaces is a significant hurdle. In pursuit of social equality and to empower those with tremors to interact more effectively with mobile technology, this study introduces an optical see-through augmented reality (AR) system equipped with a stabilized filter.


Mobile phones are central to modern communication, yet for individuals with tremors, the precision required for touch-based interfaces is a significant hurdle. In pursuit of social equality and to empower those with tremors to interact more effectively with mobile technology, this study introduces an optical see-through augmented reality (AR) system equipped with a stabilized filter.


This dataset is in support of my research paper 'Statistical Variability Study of RDF and LER on Nanosheet FETs at Sub 3nm Node'. In this study, we studied the influence of RDF and LER on NSFETs through NEGF method for simulation. The results are generated by simulation software, Nano-electronic Simulation Software (NESS), which was developed by the University of Glasgow’s Device Modelling Group. Our results predict the figures of merit of nanosheet devices at different channel lengths and widths with the influence of RDF and LER.


CT RECIST response, as measured by the change of tumor diameter, can accurately reflect objective response rate for advanced NSCLC patients. However, there exists obvious discordant between CT RECIST response and prognostic indicators. Thus, our study aimed to identify a new CT RECIST response indicator at the early treatment stage to reflect the prognosis more accurately.We studied 916 tumor lesions obtained through deep learning and found that the shape of the lesions was irregular.


These are the experiment results of the Software-Defined Disjointed Multipath Network (SDDMN).

They were recorded using Microsoft Excel and saved in the '.xlsx' file format.

The figures referenced in the related paper are also included in these files.

There are four files corresponding to the four experiments:

1. fig_5-3_upload.xlsx corresponds to Experiment 1: The Increased Demand Size.

