
The "Multi-Label Extremism and Jihadism Classification Tweets Dataset" dataset is a multilingual resource designed for multi-label classification of online extremism and toxic behavior, including extremism and jihadism. Each comment is annotated with labels indicating the presence of various extremism traits: toxic, severe toxic, obscenity, threats, insults, identity hate, and jihadi content.


The accurate distinction between line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation channels is paramount for precise distance measurement within ultra-wideband (UWB) indoor localization systems. In complex and dynamic environments, such as those encountered in the indoor positioning of autonomous mobile robots or vehicles, UWB signal propagation is particularly susceptible to NLOS conditions.


In this paper, two datasets for text classification were primarily used in the experiments: AG News and IMDB. The AG News dataset is a widely used four-class news dataset, including four categories: World News, Sports News, Business News, and Technology News. The dataset contains a total of 120,000 samples, with 114,000 samples in the training set and the remaining 6,000 samples in the test set. The IMDB dataset is a movie review dataset used for sentiment analysis, primarily for binary classification tasks, i.e., positive and negative reviews.


The "Burn Depression Checklist Dataset" is a comprehensive dataset designed to aid in the analysis and understanding of depressive symptoms. The dataset is comprised of 2,600 entries, each corresponding to a unique individual, with 25 features that encapsulate various dimensions of depression, ranging from emotional and psychological symptoms to behavioral patterns.


This dataset presents real measurements of radio frequency signals in a railway corridor within the Atlantic Forest in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A transmitter antenna fixed on a pole inside the corridor was used together with an RF generator transmitting a CW signal in the 460 MHz band. A mobile receiving antenna was installed on the roof of a locomotive and connected to a spectrum analyzer, a laptop and software for data reading were used together, coupled to a GPS antenna. Thus, the measured signal was geographically recorded as the train traveled along the corridor.


In this dataset we release the data of a sequence of boxes that go through a physical binary sorter that acts as a load balancer between warehouses. This particular physical binary sorter works in real-time operating 4.5 million boxes per year. This is a particular example for a company with hundreds of \textit{physical binary sorters} that are central to the internal logistics of the business.


Smart grid, an application of Internet of Things (IoT) is modern power grid that encompasses power and communication network from generation to utilization. Home Area Network (HAN), Field or Neighborhood Area Network (FAN/NAN) and Wide Area network (NAN) using Wireless LAN and Wireless/Wired WAN protocols are employed from generation to utilization . Advanced Metering Infrastructure, a utilization side infrastructure facilitates communication between smart meters and the server where energy efficient protocols are mandate to support smart grid.



Smart grid, an application of Internet of Things (IoT) is modern power grid that encompasses power and communication network from generation to utilization. Home Area Network (HAN), Field or Neighborhood Area Network (FAN/NAN) and Wide Area network (NAN) using Wireless LAN and Wireless/Wired WAN protocols are employed from generation to utilization . Advanced Metering Infrastructure, a utilization side infrastructure facilitates communication between smart meters and the server where energy efficient protocols are mandate to support smart grid .

This dataset contain the pulse responses of the Sallen-Key bandpass filter circuit and the amplifier board circuit. The test excitation is a 10 us pulse signal with an amplitude of 5 V and a frequency of 5 kHZ that exhibits abundant frequency components. By observing the pulse response, the sampling frequency is set to 5 MHz and the number of sampling points for each sample is fixed at 1000 in Case 1. PSPICE is applied for circuit simulation to set up the circuit fault according to the range of fault component parameter values.
