Pedestrian detection has never been an easy task for computer vision and automotive industry. Systems like the advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) highly rely on far infrared (FIR) data captured to detect pedestrians at nighttime. The recent development of deep learning-based detectors has proven the excellent results of pedestrian detection in perfect weather conditions. However, it is still unknown what is the performance in adverse weather conditions.
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Research on damage detection of road surfaces has been an active area of research, but most studies have focused so far on the detection of the presence of damages. However, in real-world scenarios, road managers need to clearly understand the type of damage and its extent in order to take effective action in advance or to allocate the necessary resources. Moreover, currently there are few uniform and openly available road damage datasets, leading to a lack of a common benchmark for road damage detection.
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The file '' is the dataset collected from the GNSS sensor of "Xinda" autonomous vehicle in the Connected Autonomous Vehicles Test Fields (the CAVs Test Fields) Weishui Campus,Chang'an University.
The file '' is the simulated faults in the healthy data in '.mat' format, where X_abrupt, X_noise and X_drift represent abrupt faults, noise and drift in the long run are added into the healthy data, respectively.
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This is the data supporting the research of "driving cycle of Haikou bus"
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Dataset consists of various open GIS data from the Netherlands as Population Cores, Neighbhourhoods, Land Use, Neighbourhoods, Energy Atlas, OpenStreetMaps, openchargemap and charging stations. The data was transformed for buffers with 350m around each charging stations. The response variable is binary popularity of a charging pool.
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As one of the research directions at OLIVES Lab @ Georgia Tech, we focus on the robustness of data-driven algorithms under diverse challenging conditions where trained models can possibly be depolyed. To achieve this goal, we introduced a large-sacle (~1.72M frames) traffic sign detection video dataset (CURE-TSD) which is among the most comprehensive datasets with controlled synthetic challenging conditions. The video sequences in the
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As one of the research directions at OLIVES Lab @ Georgia Tech, we focus on the robustness of data-driven algorithms under diverse challenging conditions where trained models can possibly be depolyed.
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This dataset is in support of my 3 research papers - 'Comparative SoC Analysis using Non-Linear Kalman Estimation in 8RC ECM of 72Ah LIB - Part I', ' Comparative SoC Analysis using Non-Linear Kalman Estimation in 8RC ECM of 72Ah LIB - Part II' , and 'Comparative SoC Analysis using Non-Linear Kalman Estimation in 8RC ECM of 72Ah LIB - Part III'.
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The files in this dataset each contain vectors Time, PEDAL, SPEED, ACCEL, VOLTAGE and CURRENT related to an Electric Vehicle travelling on one of four different roads, mostly in urban areas. Data is obtained from the CAN bus of the vehicle (a Zhidou ZD model ZD2) resampled in order to obtain a single time coordinate and stored in the dataset.
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