Smart Grid
These measurements were taken at the point of common coupling using the power quality analyzer PQ-Box 200, where about 30 EV chargers are installed and exploited by the utility. For this reason, this data set only considers the charging behavior of the vehicles employed by the enterprise, namely the Renault Kangoo ZE and Renault Zoe. The period under consideration starts on 5.11.2018 and ends on 07.01.2020. Because of the large amount of data, values with a time interval of 10mins are extracted and used in this data set.
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This is the simulated post fault voltage magnitude transient data from the IEEE 118-bus system. The data is collected from the TSAT software (DSATool). This transient data is used to mimic the PMU voltage measurements. This file has three folders. The first folder 'Train_Test' has the training and testing data. The dimension of the training data 'Pro2_train_v.pkl' and testing data 'Pro2_test_v.pkl' are (8000x25x20) and (2000x25x20), respectively. Here the number of training and testing samples is 8000 (4000 stable, 4000 unstable) and 2000 (1000 stable and 1000 unstable).
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In our study, datasets of two simulators, namely phasor-based simulator and hybrid-type simulator are used. In the hybrid environment, first, the outputs of the phasor-based simulator are converted to instantaneous waveforms, then based on instruction, distortions and noises are added (superimposed) to these waveforms, and finally, the distorted waveforms are fed to the detailed model of PMUs simulated in EMT domain. Outputs of both simulators can be found in the submitted file.
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This file contains one-year measurements of demand (average 11 kWh/day), Electric vehicle charging (3 kW rating), and PV generation (3.3 kWp) for a household in London, UK.
This dataset is associated with the following paper:
A. A. R. Mohamed, R. J. Best, X. A. Liu and D. J. Morrow, "A Comprehensive Robust Techno-Economic Analysis and Sizing Tool for the Small-Scale PV and BESS," in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, doi: 10.1109/TEC.2021.3107103.
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The IEEE 24 bus system is modelled in Digsilent’s Power factory, and normal operating data points are generated under quasi dynamic simulation and N-2 contingencies. An optimization problem to generate false data injection attack vectors are then modelled using MATLAB. This data contains normal, contingency and attack data points for the necessary variables in a power network. The attack data has 5 parts, with each part generated by a different type of attack.
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This dataset contains (1) the Simulink model of a three-phase photovoltaic power system with passive anti-islanding protections like over/under current (OUC), over/under voltage (OUV), over/under frequency (OUF), rate of change of frequency (ROCOF), and dc-link voltage and (2) the results in the voltage source converter and the point of common coupling of the photovoltaic system during islanding operation mode and detection times of analyzed anti-islanding methods.
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