Standard Dataset
IEEE 118-bus Transient Event Data
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Rui Ma
- Last updated:
- Wed, 09/01/2021 - 12:40
- DOI:
- 10.21227/6f5v-q924
- Data Format:
- License:
- Categories:
This is the simulated post fault voltage magnitude transient data from the IEEE 118-bus system. The data is collected from the TSAT software (DSATool). This transient data is used to mimic the PMU voltage measurements. This file has three folders. The first folder 'Train_Test' has the training and testing data. The dimension of the training data 'Pro2_train_v.pkl' and testing data 'Pro2_test_v.pkl' are (8000x25x20) and (2000x25x20), respectively. Here the number of training and testing samples is 8000 (4000 stable, 4000 unstable) and 2000 (1000 stable and 1000 unstable). 25 is the length of the data, representing 25 cycles of PMU voltage magnitudes after the clearance of the fault (It is assumed that the sampling frequency of the PMUs is 120 messages per second). 20 is the number of buses that are deployed with PMUs. Locations of the PMUs are written in the readme file. The other two files, i.e., 'Pro2_test_label_new.pkl' and 'Pro2_test_traini_label_new.pkl', are the label of the testing and training dataset. The dimension of these two files are (2000x2) and (8000x2). Here, we use the vector [0,1] to represent stable, and [1,0] as unstable. The stability of the transient is determined by the angle-based stability index. The second folder is different_location. 5 different locations are considered. Locations of the PMUs are given in the readme file. The third folder is different_number. 7 different numbers of PMUs are considered. Information of the number of PMUs is written in the readme file. Note, all the training and testing data files use the same label files, i.e., 'Pro2_test_label_new.pkl' and 'Pro2_test_traini_label_new.pkl'.
To open these pkl files, you can import the pickle package in python and use pickle.load to read it.