Medical Imaging
This dataset is a private foot pressure image dataset containing 317 images of high arches (H), 217 images of flat feet (L) and 362 images of normal feet (N).
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Relaxation mechanism of magnetic particles is crucial in differentiating particles and estimating temperature and viscosity for diagnosis and treatment. The magnetization recovery process in field flat phase of pulsed excitation generates decay signals that can be fitted by a bi-exponential model. The relaxation time spectrum can be generated by using inverse Laplace transform.
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Hydrogel scaffolds have attracted attention to develop cellular therapy and tissue engineering platforms for regenerative medicine applications. Among factors, local mechanical properties of scaffolds drive the functionalities of cell niche. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), the standard method to characterize mechanical properties of hydrogels, restricts development in tissue engineering because the measurement provides a single elasticity value for the sample, requires direct contact, and represents a destructive evaluation preventing longitudinal studies on the same sample.
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This data contains 80 blood cell images with a resolution of 5472×3648. It is mainly a segmentation dataset of five categories of white blood cells, including lymphocytes, basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes.
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The data is divided into a training set of 999 images and a test set of 335 images. The size of each 2D ultrasound image is 800 by 540 pixels with a pixel size ranging from 0.052 to 0.326 mm. The pixel size for each image can be found in the csv files: ‘training_set_pixel_size_and_HC.csv’ and ‘test_set_pixel_size.csv’. The training set also includes an image with the manual annotation of the head circumference for each HC, which was made by a trained sonographer.
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This dataset includes four sub-datasets: Drishti-GS, RIM-ONE-r3, ORIGA and REFUGE. Each image is cropped around the optic disc area for joint optic disc and cup segmentation. The size of all images is 512×512. The manual pixel-wise annotation is stored as a PNG image with the same size as the corresponding fundus image with the following labels:
128: Optic Disc (Grey color)
0: Optic Cup (Black color)
255: Background (White color)
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Early detection of retinal diseases is one of the most important means of preventing partial or permanent blindness in patients. One of the major stumbling blocks for manual retinal examination is the lack of a sufficient number of qualified medical personnel per capita to diagnose diseases.
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