Education and Learning Technologies
The article presented a synthesis of expert opinions about open research remarked as a substantial influence on knowledge and innovation of concepts dissemination contained in published and unpublished manuscripts. The practise of open science reach increased in acceptance in recent years due to the challenging effort of the researchers who have written scientific articles.
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ASSIST2009 was collected during the school year 2009-2010. Due to including duplicates when first released, the dataset was updated later. Based on the latest updated version, we remove users with less than three records, and remove the records without skills as well as scaffolding problems. After preprocessing, the dataset used in this article contains 283,104 interactions given by 4,151 students to a total of 16,891 distinct exercises and 101 skills.
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The primary article search was carried out by using selected keywords. These keywords were jointly selected by the authors, with criteria that were based on the frequently used authors' keywords found in most of the related articles. For example, the list of keywords such as “blockchain” combined with “education”, or “lifelong learning” or “life-long learning” or “digital certificate” or “academic record” or “e-learning” was used to conduct the search.
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This data set contains nifty 50 companies and all their details of Open, Volume, Close, Adj Close, and name of the company.
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This dataset will contains some simulation models in Matlab/Simulink of four most used active anti-islanding methods namely Active Frequency Drift (AFD), Sandia Frequency Shift (SFS), Slip Mode frequency Shift (SMS), Sandia Voltage Shift (SVS).
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Study of mind and nature of intelligence is widely studied in cognitive science. Also, Artificial Wisdom which redefines the Artificial Wisdom is emerging research area where machine intelligence must collaborates with the constructive behavior and values of humanity. Thinking ability of human beings is recognized as the consciousness. Researchers from different domains like Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, Psychology, Computer Engineering etc. are used to perform experimentations on consciousness or arousal of thoughts.
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