Education and Learning Technologies

This dataset includes the experience integrating Didactic Videos within "Electrical Machines I" subject (BSc in Electrical Engineering from the School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa (ESEIAAT), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)).


Mixed Reality (MR) technologies and the spread of Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) available at low cost are causing a shift in design education toward the Metaverse. In this digital transformation scenario, there is a need to rethink design and teaching methods. The scientific literature only provides contributions related to interaction design labs that do not include MR education. This paper presents an innovative lab with an integrated multidisciplinary approach that aims to teach students to design the next generation of MR interfaces.


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This article was results based on the interview phase in the English language 

course of even semester [the academic year 2021-2022] Institut Agama Kristen 

Negeri Ambon. The majority concern is how the students of English courses respond 

during even semester conducted. Moreover, only a few students are encouraged to 

finish their course with moderate achievement, and half of the students are stated on 

lower achievement following unconscious narration to be absent during English 


This article presents the details of the Cardinal RF (CardRF) dataset. CardRF is acquired to foster research in RF- based UAV detection and identification or RF fingerprinting. RF signals were collected from UAV controllers, UAV, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi devices. Signals are collected at both visual line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight. The assumptions and procedure for the data acquisition are presented. A detailed explanation of how the data can be utilized is discussed. CardRF is over 65 GB in storage memory.


Our poster is essential for understanding the process of creating a community of practice in the context of Open Science. Building such a community and at the same time being part of the culture change that offers openness in science is challenging. No single researcher or librarian would be able to achieve those results alone. Gdańsk Tech Library’s strategy to popularise and practice Open Science requires many actions supported by a team of people with different competencies


Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:

N. Thakur, “A Large-Scale Dataset of Twitter Chatter about Online Learning during the Current COVID-19 Omicron Wave,” Journal of Data, vol. 7, no. 8, p. 109, Aug. 2022, doi: 10.3390/data7080109



We developed an online serious game to educate adolescents regarding human impact on freshwater ecosystems. Here, we provide the Unity codes for building the game. We also provide a data set containing survey responses of middle school students who participated in a study that assesses the effectiveness of the game, along with MatLab and R codes that analyze these data.


The data part is the beneficial supplementary part of the article of Complex Theory and Batch Processing in Mechanical Systemic Data Extraction. It is including 2 parts. One is the about the original designed period. Another is the experimental data from 9 virtual experiments. It serves for the higher efficiency of ABRF.


PopMedNet™ is an open-source application used to facilitate multi-site health data networks. It uses a distributed network design that enables data holders to retain full control of their data. Investigators send questions to data holders for review and response. PopMedNet eliminates the need for assembling patient records in a centralized repository, thus preserving patient privacy and confidentiality.

This Dataset contains sample data using the PCORnet Common Data Model for running the regression tests supplied with PopMedNet™.


<p>This article created to address the&nbsp;</p><p>current state of affairs, which has&nbsp;</p><p>resulted in an insufficient progress and&nbsp;</p><p>innovation system. The purpose of this&nbsp;</p><p>overview article is to increase educate&nbsp;</p><p>society's knowledge of how to use&nbsp;</p><p>modern and innovative technologies&nbsp;</p><p>based on need, cultural aspects, social&nbsp;</p><p>context, and state context.

