Artificial Intelligence

      We have developed three datasets, referred to as ER-C, Mito-C and Nucleus-C, respectively, for benchmarking robustness of DNN models against corruptions and adversarial attacks in semantic segmentation of fluorescence microscopy images.  Degraded images in these three datasets are synthesized from raw images along with their manually annotated segmentation labels in the ER, Mito, and Nucleus datasets [1,2], respectively. They are synthesized with controlled corruptions and adversarial attacks.  An updated version of the dataset has been released at


In this paper, we develop an internet of medical things (IoMT)-based electrocardiogram(ECG) recorder for monitoring heart conditions in practical cases. To remove noise from signals recorded by these non-clinical devices, we propose a cloud-based denoising approach that utilizes deep neural network techniques in the time-frequency domain through the two stages. Accordingly, we exploit the fractional Stockwell transform (FrST) to transfer the ECG signal into the time-frequency domain and apply the deep robust two-stage network (DeepRTSNet) for the noise cancellation.


This dataset is created for neural network-based surrogate modeling of the power conversion losses. The dataset includes two sets of training and test data (for AC/DC and DC/DC converters respectively) for the neural network. The raw data is generated using PLECS Blockset Packages in MATLAB-Simulink environment. 


Anomaly detection is a well-known topic in cybersecurity. Its application to the Internet of Things can lead to suitable protection techniques against problems such as denial of service attacks.


Accurate fire load (combustible objects) information is crucial for safety design and resilience assessment of buildings. Traditional fire load acquisition methods, such as fire load survey, which are time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone, failed to adapt to dynamic changed indoor scenes. As a starting point of automatic fire load estimation, fast recognition and detection of indoor fire load are important. Thus, A dataset containing images of indoor scenes and annotations of instance segmentation is developed in this research.


The dataset has been developed in Smart Connected Vehicles Innovation Centre (SCVIC) of the University of Ottawa in Kanata North Technology Park.

In order to define a benchmark for Machine Learning (ML)-based Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) detection in the network traffic, we create a dataset named SCVIC-APT-2021, that can realistically represent the contemporary network architecture and APT characteristics.  Please cite the following original article where this work was initially presented:


The C3I Synthetic Face Depth Dataset consists of 3D virtual human models and 2D rendered RGB and GT depth images in zipped version into two folders for male and female.


Nowadays, with the rapid increase in the number of applications and networks, the number of cyber multi-step attacks has been increasing exponentially. Thus, the need for a reliable and acceptable Intrusion Detection System (IDS) solution is becoming urgent to protect the networks and devices. However, implementing a robust IDS needs a reliable and up-to-date dataset in order to capture the behaviors of the new types of attacks, especially multi-step attacks. In this work, a new benchmark Multi-Step Cyber-Attack Dataset (MSCAD) is introduced.


We created a 2563-image custom dragon fruit image dataset, with 1248 images of raw dragon fruits and 1315 photographs of ripe dragon fruits. The images were taken with the Nikon D5200 DSLR and OnePlus 6's Sony IMX 519 16 megapixel camera. The photographs taken with the DSLR camera had a resolution of 4000 by 6000 pixels, while those taken with the OnePlus6 had a resolution of 3456 by 4608 pixels. They were photographed in natural sunlight. The average temperature during that time was 28°C (84.2°F), with partly sunny skies, 65 percent humidity, and 17 km/h wind speeds.


The data set has been consolidated for the task of Human Posture Apprehension. The data set consists of two postures namely -

  1. Sitting and,
  2. Standing,

There are images for each of the postures listed above. The images have a dimension of 53X160 to 1845×4608.

