Power and Energy

The dataset contains integrating renewable energy sources into power grids, emphasizing the need for advanced data-driven optimization models for optimal power flow problems. The dataset, which includes comprehensive details on both load and generator buses, covering active and reactive power measurements and voltage magnitudes and angles for the modified IEEE 39 bus system with wind power integration, is ideally suited for data-driven power system analysis studies. The dataset was generated for a part of the experiments.


Due to the diversity of battery types and capacities, wireless power transfer (WPT) systems for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) have large variations in charging voltages and currents. Conventional solutions of using DC/DC converters to adapt to different specifications may cause increased cost and volumeand reduced overall efficiency. To address this issue, this video presents a new AUV WPT system with DC-link series/parallel AC-link parallel rectifiers for different charging voltages and currents


Regular and rigorous inspection of outdoor insulators is essential for uninterrupted power grid operation. Recent advances in computer vision enabled replacing conventional subjective, costly, and inefficient visual insulator inspection with automated diagnosis from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) taken images. In this study, advanced computer vision algorithms, namely, family of YOLOv3 and YOLOv5 architectures, are trained and compared for classification of frequently encountered insulator mechanical faults from UAV images.


This study presents an automated approach for the generation of graphs from hand-drawn electrical circuit diagrams, aiming to streamline the digitization process and enhance the efficiency of traditional circuit design methods. Leveraging image processing, computer vision algorithms, and machine learning techniques, the system accurately identifies and extracts circuit components, capturing spatial relationships and diverse drawing styles.


A PSCAD simulation model of direct-drive wind farm connected to the grid via VSC-HVDC is provided. Because there are a large number of power electronic devices and complex multi-time scale control links in the system, there is mutual coupling between power electronic devices or between power electronic devices and the power grid, which may lead to the risk of oscillation in the wide-band range from several hertz to hundreds of hertz.



The converter controller of wind turbine presents capacitive impedance characteristics with negative resistance at subsynchronous frequencies. When it is connected to weak AC power grid, it will form an LC resonant circuit with system-side inductance, and generate sub-/super-synchronous oscillations due to negative damping effect. A PSCAD simulation model of direct-drive wind farm connected to AC power grid is provided to study the above phenomenon.



A typical model of doubly-fed wind farm connected to the grid through series compensation is provided, which can be used to study subsynchronous oscillation(SSO). LC resonance may occur between the stator inductance and the capacitance in the 500kV line. At some frequencies, the equivalent resistance of the rotor is negative, and the proportional factor of the inner current loop of the rotor-side converter(RSC) will amplify the negative resistance, resulting in unstable subsynchronous control interaction(SSCI) in the system.



<p>Abstract – This paper shows an overview of the recent developments in the field of Electric Vehicles (EVs), the integration of EVs and Smart Cars, the battery technology and the power electronics in EVs.&nbsp;Over the past decades, the automotive industry has faced growing challenges, including environmental concerns and the finite amount of fuel resources that mainly includes petrol and diesel. In response to these challenges, Electric Vehicles (EVs) have emerged as sustainable alternative, promising reduced emissions and increased energy efficiency.


This dataset presents a representation of California's power system, encompassing existing generators and projections for the year 2050. The dataset's spatial resolution is at the state level (California), with hourly temporal resolution spanning 8760 periods. The system model considers four balancing areas (BA) nodes, a reference energy matrix developed by NREL’s Cambium [1], however without the representation of transmission lines.


Quantification and analysis of global oil trade networks reveals deep insights into a nation's development and influence at a global scale. Further, it allows us to predict future trends and changes to adapt state policy as the crude oil market influences the balance of power among the developed and emerging economies alike as it is central for energy needs as well for industrial progress.

