Power and Energy

Distribution and power transformers are essential components of any electricity network, hence electrical and mechanical safety of the transformer unit is among the highest concerns of electricity providers. Over the course of their operation, transformers face with a wide range of internal and external disturbances which may lead to a partial or full malfunction of the equipment. The service life and condition requirements for distribution and power transformers are now changed and utilities altered their maintenance policy from time-based to condition-based approach.


The dataset includes on-state saturation voltage information for eight samples under four different test conditions.  Each Excel file consists of two data columns: one for cycle numbers and the other for on-state saturation voltage. Although these data were collected during the power cycling test at the maximum junction temperature, the effect of temperature increase in the on-state voltage has been compensated. Namely, the provided on-state voltage has been unified to the corresponding to the respective 125°C or 150°C.


Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems for electric vehicles (EVs) require wide-range voltage gains to satisfy battery charging requirements and coupling coefficient variations. However, existing solutions typically require additional DC-DC converters, or may suffer from discontinuous output voltage and hard switching. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a primary-side hybrid modulation method that can achieve wide-range voltage regulation and zero voltage switching (ZVS) simultaneously.


The data is for time series optimal power flow analysis. It contains basic data (buses, gens, lines, loads...) to build the system, and also time series data of a peak load day and a off-peak day.

The folder "basic_case" contains data for building the system.

The folder "time series data" contains data for running time series optimal power flow.

The case is developed using the Python package "panda power".


The data is collected by SGCC smart meters and originates from the multi-meter integration demonstration area in China, which includes daily electricity and water usage data. The dataset contains three files in .xlsx format. They are the daily electricity and water consumption data of 50 users for one year, the daily electricity and water consumption data of 40 users for 100 days, and the daily electricity and water consumption data of 56 users for 80 days. File size is 570kb (compressed).


Min-Max formulation is a common fairness mechanic utilized in communication system. It works by minimizing the worst case scenario amongst all the nodes in a system, For transmission and energy storage planning applications, we can utilize this fairness mechanic to bolster equity amongst the nodes in our system. For the project this is being utilized for, min-max formulation is used to minimize the worstcase load shedding across each bus in our system. The worst case in this situation being the highest load shedding cost, based on the value of lost load (VoLL) assigned to each bus.


The Integrated Energy Management and Forecasting Dataset is a comprehensive data collection specifically designed for advanced algorithmic modeling in energy management. It combines two distinct yet complementary datasets - the Energy Forecasting Data and the Energy Grid Status Data - each tailored for different but related purposes in the energy sector.


Each sheet in this document meticulously details the electrical parameters of the grounding networks. Among all these parameters, touch voltage stands out as the most critical factor to consider in each evaluated conductor configuration.

The determination of these physical configurations is based on meticulous measurement of the distances between conductors on one side of the grid. It's important to note that in this context, square grids are being employed for grounding, which implies a specific arrangement of conductors.


This dataset proposes a new method of modelling dynamic loads based on instantaneous p-q theory, to be employed in large power system networks in a digital real time environment. In order to decrease the computational burden associated to the dynamic load modelling, a p-q- theory-based approach for load modelling is proposed in this dataset. This approach is based on the well-known p-q- instantaneous theory developed for power electronics converters, and it consts only of linear controllers and of a minimal usage of control loops, reducing the required computational power.


This dataset contains scenarios for the assessment of Flexible Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in new districts in Spain. It contains energy performance indicators, a summary of thermal and electricity generators and energy carrier tariffs

The following Tables are provided:

Table I     References for energy performance indicators

