Power and Energy

The distributed generation, along with the deregulation of the Smart Grid, have created a great concern on Power Quality (PQ), as it has a direct impact on utilities and customers, as well as effects on the sinusoidal signal of the power line. The a priori unknown features of the distributed energy resources (DER) introduce non-linear behaviours in loads associated to a variety of PQ disturbances.


The aim of the database consists of providing the researchers with a collection of power quality real-life impulsive events to test experiments and measurement instruments. The dataset provides signals recordings from the power network of the University of Cádiz during the last five years (electrical network according to the UNE-EN-50160: 2011).

The dataset offers a diversity of real impulsive events, which are specifically acquired in order to test Power Quality Instruments according to the UNE-IEC 61000-4-11: 2005.

