
This is two-part open-access webpage of 'Data:B-Bio Models'.This webpage contains datasets of 'Computational Biology'and Novel ß-Bio models, project folders, with clinical and pharmacy investigation in simulation, proposed by me which are Self-Claimed advancements, in support of my Research claims, discoveries, presentations and books.  All content can be freely downloaded after sign-up. 

I have clubbed all papers in the same manuscript as otherwise these papers will only remain as pre-prints with rejection on vague reasons.
  • To free download, all papers or volumes in one pdf, pls. click on title or Link 1 or Link 2.
  • DOI link will be updated after presentation only and some formalities.
  • To see complete Abstract, pls click Presentation title, refer appropriate conference or full manuscript. 
  • As clubbed multiple papers, so for 'Section' Abstract - pls refer relevant sections/subsections of the manuscript

A. International Conference Presentation 

I. Conference 1 

 My Ist Invited & KeynoteBioMedSummit2025, organized by The Iconic Meetings, U.S.A.
Techniques of Artificial Intelligence, Applied Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in Understanding Biological Processes*
Link 1 :  Preprint My Last Self Funded Journey, with cover letter and legal disclosure statement (dated 28th Sept, 2024)
Link 2 : Conference Proceeding
Sections/Subsections/Chapter (Related to this Conference and webpage). Related attachment - BioMedSummit2025.zip * 


II. Conference 2

My 2nd ;organized by The Iconic Meetings, U.S.A.* 


B. Hard/Physical Copy (Paid)

The self- published book is the draft version of the above peer-reviewed full manuscript and allowed by the Chair/Panel/Organizer/Jury to  keep the retention of Copyrights for self-publication.

A. International Colored Edition 

  • My Memoirs : Conferences, My Last Self Funded Journey, Volume 1, First Edition with cover letter and legal disclosure statement (dated 28th Sept, 2024)

  • My Memoirs : Conferences, My Last Self Funded Journey, Volume 2,   First Edition with cover letter and legal disclosure statement  

  • My Memoirs : Conferences, My Last Self Funded Journey, Volume 2,  First Edition with cover letter and legal disclosure statement  

  • My Memoirs : Conferences, My Last Self Funded Journey, Volume 2,  First Edition with cover letter and legal disclosure statement  

B. Few Nations Colored Edition(for sale only in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indian Sub-continents and Maldives.)

  • My Memoirs : Conferences, Volume 1, First Edition with cover letter and legal disclosure statement (dated 28th Sept, 2024)

  • Volume 2
  • Volume 3
  • Volume 4    
 * The submitted work will be used in my future presentations or future research paper, with same or different titles.  
 There are no funders for this submission. I have myself fully self-financed but as such it is only wastage of my time. I expect all these papers, would be nice Shroud for the passion and the price paid.

Acknowledgement :

 The author as such is thankful to none but obliged to his family for bearing his personal endeavours!   The papers are submitted under individual and solo category, not representing anyone else.   If invited or given any award, he is representing only himself, as an individual and not anyone else, not India as it is criminal by Indian laws. The author cannot, for the humiliation, shameless brutal harassment and brutal mental torture to me and my family and now all wrap up. May the many of the beneficiaries, ... , ...  and...  suffer in the same way.
The work been done independently and exclusively solo by the single author, neither representing nor dedicated to his homeland country or anyone else except only representing himself in any circumstance for all purposes at any stage (w.r.t. this submitted work), and the same is applicable if given any award or invited locally or globally, and for the hypothesized 9661 years of the part new cycle! 

Make sure you have read LegalDisclosureStatement and Orcid Profile before sending email.

If not able to understand, advised to take help of English Teachers/degree,phd Professors/Translators, Advocates/Attorney.


I have shared complete project folders, all scripts, videos, my research papers, so that other do not have to ask me. If I do not get project after 2nd and 3rd presentations, this would be the LAST work of my life.

 I. Conference 1 

Datasets are .txt file. For details like analysis, interpretation, parameters, block diagram, formulae and how to use datasets, pls refer free Link 1 or Link 2 and its Sections/Subsections/Chapter (Related to conference 1 only)
1. FitzHugh Nagumo Model (FHN)  ; Related dataset -  FitzHugh_Nagumo.txt
2. Ginzburg Landau or Landau Ginzburg Model; Related dataset - Ginzburg_Landau.txt
3. Biventricular Cardiac Model ; Related datasets - biventricular_excitation_contraction.txt, biventricular_fiber_direction.txt
4. Navier-Stokes Equation Blood Vessel; Related datasets - bloodvessel_arterywalls.txt,bloodvessel_ExteriorWalls_stationary.txt bloodvessel_ExteriorWalls_timedependent.txt,bloodvessel_stationary.txt,bloodvessel_timedependent.txt
5. Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden Model ; Related datasets - HGO_anisotropic_FullRevolution.txt,HGO_anisotropic_InnerWallRevolution.txt,HGO_anisotropic_InnerWall.txt,HGO_anisotropic_SectorRevolution.txt,HGO_anisotropic.txt, hgo_isotropic_AdaptiveMeshRefinementSolutions.txt,hgo_isotropic_FullRevolution.txt,hgo_isotropic_Inner Wall_Revolution.txt,hgo_isotropic_InnerWall.txt,hgo_isotropic_Revolution2D.txt,hgo_isotropic_SectorRevolution.txt,hgo_isotropic.txt, HGO_orthotropic_FullRevolution.txt,HGO_orthotropic_InnerWallRevolution.txt,HGO_orthotropic_InnerWall.txt,HGO_orthotropic_SectorRevolution.txt,HGO_orthotropic.txt

 ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊


2. Conference 2

Novel B Models

B_Vidal.zip is B Vidal Operating System

 ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊


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This is regarding emails. The model is incomplete and under construction.
All the variables, method and other details will be explained in 2 or 3 volumes. Each volume approx 150-200 pages.
Wherever papers or Books or Memoirs will get published, I will mention here.

I had registered at your US Gov. TX website but haven't filled 6-12 pages approval form. So, I could not download Govt authorized data.

I m also involved in personal works and other matters, so will take time.

Hope, its clear now.

Abhishek Bansal

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Fri, 03/25/2022 - 02:00

Clarification : US Gov. TX website (exact Institute name not revealed here as it is big name but it is gov. agency) .

For publication, some Journals have mandatory requirement of clinical testing and other mandatory experimental tests. All will be left here for open access, for copy paste, modify and to be used by any as their prodigy claim. Nor, I will want to do after submission.

I m not bounded to work on these, but hope something will be submitted here.
Paper Publication i dont know, may be published outside IEEE. IEEE has given this platform, so used.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 14:30

This is incomplete work and much work is lost, need to be re-written.
I will also have to re-organise it but published due to my earlier comments.
Till when it will get completed, i dont know.
Abhishek Bansal

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Fri, 02/03/2023 - 09:46

I have left R&D, so as such wont submit anything else. I may or may not re-write papers/books but it may take year or 20-30 years or never. Also world will change. I may submit or never.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Mon, 02/06/2023 - 09:27

Acknowledgement : The author as such is thankful to none but obliged to his family for bearing his personal endeavours! The papers are submitted under individual and solo category, not representing anyone else. If invited or given any award, he is representing only himself, as an individual and not anyone else, not India as it is criminal by Indian laws. The author cannot, for the humiliation, harassment, and now all wrap up.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Tue, 10/03/2023 - 13:35

Someone had raised concern "... prohibited to work ...without qualification..."

In my personal case, I am only representing only myself not anyone else, not country. As far as this is taken, it is not criminal.

I am always attaching legal acknowledgement and disclosure, (which some graduates find ...)

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Fri, 10/13/2023 - 13:41

I have stated above but some still taking for granted and if I DO NOT control, they &critics knowcan put me in non-bail jail. You not reading legal disclousure statement, and its clear from both sides as your .. x cannot pay 1/4 of the fresher with 20yr exp., and it is evident the shameless, torture behaviour and coverup with lies even in court, IT IS permanently damaged for coming 1000 years+.
In legal disclosure, I have clearly stated it is criminal by indian laws as was even questioned by registrar in 2015, how did electrical from electronics.
You shouldnot expect anything more than my paid service.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Wed, 02/14/2024 - 12:46

The work is neither representing nor dedicated to country or anyone else except only representing himself in any circumstance for all purposes(w.r.t. this submitted work), and the same is applicable if  given any award or invited locally or globally.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Tue, 12/03/2024 - 22:34

As busy in other court works, as have to argue on 2nd FIR on the same neighbor in criminal court and also register new court case for another neighbour as cheated, lied and caused huge damages to house, encroached, withdrawn court case as was verbally settled but now said can go to court; so some content as planned for conference 1,I wont be able to submit, though other work will be shortly submitted.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Wed, 02/26/2025 - 11:43