
The data presented here was acquired using a testbed for biocompatible molecular communication based on magnetic nanoparticles. The folders correspond to the variety of channel parameters that were investigated and two additional data transmission samples. Details regarding the testbed setup can be found in the accompanying publication.


Future mobile communication systems include millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency bands and high mobility scenarios. To learn how wave propagation and scattering effects change from classical sub 6 GHz to mmWave frequencies, measurements in both bands have to be conducted. We perform wireless channel measurements at 2.55 GHz and 25.5 GHz center frequency at velocites of 40 km/h and 100 km/h. To ensure a fair comparison between these two frequency bands, we perform repeatable measurements in a controlled environment.


The dataset is generated by performing different Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) attacks in the synthetic cyber-physical electric grid in RESLab Testbed at Texas AM University, US. The testbed consists of a real-time power system simulator (Powerworld Dynamic Studio), network emulator (CORE), Snort IDS, open DNP3 master, SEL real-time automation controller (RTAC), and Cisco Layer-3 switch. With different scenarios of MiTM attack, we implement a logic-based defense mechanism in RTAC and save the traffic data and related cyber alert data under the attack.


Port scanning attack is popular method to map a remote network or identify operating systems and applications. It allows the attackers to discover and exploit the vulnerabilities in the network.


This dataset supports researchers in the validation process of solutions such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) based on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques for the detection and categorization of threats in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). To that aim, data have been acquired from a water distribution hardware-in-the-loop testbed which emulates water passage between nine tanks via solenoid-valves, pumps, pressure and flow sensors. The testbed is composed by a real partition which is virtually connected to a simulated one.


The dataset is generated by performing different MiTM attacks in the synthetic electric grid in RESLab testbed at Texas A&M University, US. The testbed primarily consists of a dynamic power system simulator (Powerworld Dynamic Studio), network emulator (CORE), Snort IDS, open DNP3 master and Elasticsearch's Packetbeat index. There are raw and processed files that can be used by security enthusiasts to develop new features and also to train IDS using our feature space respectively.


This data set is from a recent biological molecular communication (MC) testbed and provides a set of experimental measurement data.
In particular, the MC testbed is realized using Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria that express the light-driven proton pump gloeorhodopsin (GR) from Gloeobacter violaceus (G. violaceus).
Upon an external light stimulus, these bacteria (as the transmitter) export protons (as the signaling molecules) into the channel.
This changes the pH level of the environment, which can be detected with a pH sensor (as the receiver).
