Machine Learning

In recent years, researchers have explored human body posture and motion to control robots in more natural ways. These interfaces require the ability to track the body movements of the user in three dimensions. Deploying motion capture systems for tracking tends to be costly and intrusive and requires a clear line of sight, making them ill adapted for applications that need fast deployment. In this article, we use consumer-grade armbands, capturing orientation information and muscle activity, to interact with a robotic system through a state machine controlled by a body motion classifier.


Machine learning is becoming increasingly important for companies and the scientific community. It allows us to generate solutions for several problems faced by society. In this study, we perform a science mapping analysis on the machine learning research, in order to provide an overview of the scientific work during the last decade in this area and to show trends that could be the basis for future developments in the field of computer science. This study was carried out using the CiteSpace and SciMAT tools based on results from Scopus and Clarivate Web of Science.


Synthetic Aperture Radar is a monitoring solution which is especially well fitted to maritime surveillance. The large swath widths, time-independent, weather resistant observations can be very useful for the detection of ships typically invisible to other forms of monitoring. A dataset which contains 43 Sentinel-1 Extended Wide Swath images and 3 RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR Narrow images between the 6th October 2014 to the 22 July 2015 is described and presented here.


This dataset is a result of my research production into machine learning in android security. The data was obtained by a process that consisted to map a binary vector of permissions used for each application analyzed {1=used, 0=no used}. Moreover, the samples of malware/benign were devided by "Type"; 1 malware and 0 non-malware.

When I did my research, the datasets of malware and benign Android applications were not available, then I give to the community a part of my research results for the future works.

