
This dataset includes the system data and equivalent Distributed Energy Resource (DER) allocations for two test cases: an 11-bus system and a 240-bus radial test feeder. The 11-bus system data is based on the CIGRE Technical Report "Benchmark system for network integration of renewable and distributed energy resources," 575, 2014. The 240-bus is based on the test system described in the paper titled "A time-series distribution test system based on real utility data" by F. Bu, Y. Yuan, Z. Wang, K. Dehghanpour, and A. Kimber, 2019 NAPS Conference, 2019.
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This dataset comprises three degrees of freedom (3 DOF) sensory data and simulation data collected from a Kinova robotic arm. The sensory data includes real-time measurements from the robotic arm’s joint positions, velocities, and torques, providing a detailed account of the arm’s dynamic behavior. The dataset also includes simulated data generated using a high-fidelity physics engine, accurately modeling the Kinova arm’s kinematics and dynamics under various operational scenarios.
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The instantaneous state (situation) of the game was constituted by four values: the cart position, the cart speed, the pole angle to the vertical axis, and the pole angular velocity.
For each action taken by the human player in the game, a tuple containing the four values representing the current game situation, along with the action and reward obtained (utility), is recorded as a situation-decision-utility (SDU) tuple.
3 types of actions have been recorded: Move left (-1), move rght (1) and no action (0).
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The supplementary material S2 includes experimental data of uniaxial tension tests of polylactic acid material (PLA) and thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer (TPU).
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Flight data recorded during experiment.
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README File for Dataset of IAR harmonic frequencies and their ratios
Title of submitted article:
“Ratio between discrete IAR frequencies from observations in the solar cycle 24,” by A.S. Potapov, A.V. Guglielmi, and B.I. Klain
Description of the processing method:
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<p>The technique of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) has been recognized as a promising method to design tactile sensors with continuous sensing capability over a large area. The mechanism of electrical impedance tomography allows reconstructing tactile information within the sensing area based on measurements made only at the boundary. However, spatial performance of EIT-based tactile sensors has demonstrated location dependency in previous reports, which severely affects correct interpretation of tactile stimuli.
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Gaming consoles are very common connected devices which have evolved in functionality and applications (games and beyond) they support. This diversity of traffic generated from these consoles has diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements. However, in order to offer diverse QoS, ISPs and operators must be able to classify this traffic. To enable research in traffic classification (Machine Learning based or other), we have generated and collected this dataset. This is a labelled dataset collected from a gaming console, PlayStation 4.
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In this paper, we present a collaborative recommend system that recommends elective courses for students based on similarities of student’s grades obtained in the last semester. The proposed system employs data mining techniques to discover patterns between grades. Consequently, we have noticed that clustering students into similar groups by performing clustering. The data set is processed for clustering in such a way that it produces optimal number of clusters.
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