Standard Dataset
11-bus and 240-bus radial distribution feeder datasets for power flow calculation
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Pedro Vasconcelos
- Last updated:
- Mon, 02/10/2025 - 15:58
- DOI:
- 10.21227/pgh4-zm86
- Data Format:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
This dataset includes the system data and equivalent Distributed Energy Resource (DER) allocations for two test cases: an 11-bus system and a 240-bus radial test feeder. The 11-bus system data is based on the CIGRE Technical Report "Benchmark system for network integration of renewable and distributed energy resources," 575, 2014. The 240-bus is based on the test system described in the paper titled "A time-series distribution test system based on real utility data" by F. Bu, Y. Yuan, Z. Wang, K. Dehghanpour, and A. Kimber, 2019 NAPS Conference, 2019. This dataset aims to help researchers model radial distribution systems and test methodologies for integrating and managing DERs to enhance steady-state analyses.
Tab 1: DER Data
This tab contains information about the distributed energy resources (DERs) located at different buses in the system. The columns are as follows:
- Item counter: A sequential identifier for each entry.
- Bus number: The identifier of the bus where the DERs are located.
- Peak active power generation from PV DERs (pu): The maximum active power generated by photovoltaic (PV) DERs in per unit.
- Peak reactive power generation from PV DERs (pu): The maximum reactive power generated by PV DERs in per unit.
- Peak active power generation from WT DERs (pu): The maximum active power generated by wind turbine (WT) DERs in per unit.
- Peak reactive power generation from WT DERs (pu): The maximum reactive power generated by WT DERs in per unit.
- 10 MVA: The base power of the system,set to 10 MVA.
Tab 2: Branch Data
This tab provides data about the branches (lines) connecting different buses in the network. The columns include:
- Item counter: A sequential identifier for each branch.
- First bus number: The bus at one end of the branch.
- Second bus number: The bus at the other end of the branch.
- Line resistance (pu): The resistance of the line in per unit.
- Line reactance (pu): The reactance of the line in per unit.
- Active power flow from the first end of a line at t = 0: The active power flowing from the first bus at time t = 0.
- Active power flow from the second end of a line at t = 0: The active power flowing from the second bus at time t = 0.
- Reactive power flow from the first end of a line at t = 0: The reactive power flowing from the first bus at time t = 0.
- Reactive power flow from the second end of a line at t = 0: The reactive power flowing from the second bus at time t = 0.
- 10 MVA: The base power of the system,set to 10 MVA.
Tab 3: Bus Data
This tab contains detailed information about the buses in the system, including their power consumption and generation. The columns are as follows:
- Item counter: A sequential identifier for each bus.
- Bus Number: The identifier of the bus.
- 3 - Slack bus; 0 - Load bus: Indicates if the bus is a slack bus (3) or a load bus (0).
- Voltage magnitude at time t = 0: The voltage magnitude of the bus at time t = 0.
- Voltage angle at time t = 0: The voltage angle of the bus at time t = 0.
- Active power consumed (pu): The active power consumption of the bus in per unit.
- Reactive power consumed (pu): The reactive power consumption of the bus in per unit.
- Active power generated (pu): The active power generation at the bus in per unit.
- Reactive power generated (pu): The reactive power generation at the bus in per unit.
- Base voltage (kV): The base voltage level of the bus in kilovolts.
- Maximum voltage magnitude (pu): The upper limit for the voltage magnitude at the bus in per unit.
- Minimum voltage magnitude (pu): The lower limit for the voltage magnitude at the bus in per unit.
Tab 4: Weather Data
This tab contains average monthly weather information for an unspecified location in North America. The columns are as follows:
- Season: Winter = 4, Spring = 1, Summer = 2, Fall = 3.
- Month: Month number.
- Hour: Hour of the day (0 to 23)
- Time: Count of hourly time steps (0 to 288).
- Wind_Speed: Average hourly wind speed in m/s.
- Irradiance_Direct: Average hourly direct solar irradiance in W/m2.
- ToU: Pricing signal for a time-of-use tariff scheme with peak hours from 5 pm to 9 pm.
Tab 5: Load Profiles
This tab contains sample synthetic customer load consumption per bus (active and reactive power) as percentages of each bus's total peak load demand. Buses are numbered from 0 to <number of system buses>.
Dataset Files
- 11bus_data.xlsx (83.90 kB)
- 240bus_Feeder_A_data.xlsx (107.12 kB)
- 240bus_Feeder_B_data.xlsx (223.55 kB)
- 240bus_Feeder_C_data.xlsx (491.72 kB)