
These are video demo of Motion compensated display. The data set used was captured at 100 samples per second from acclerometer and duration is 40 to 80 seconds. Using the above data, the algorithm has been implemented using MATLAB, and a video of the display is generated with and without compensation. The video results shows significant improvement in user experience. All videos shows left side with compensation and right side mimic what eye would see without compensation. Since the files are encoded with high quality better to use VLC player and a good computer.


Objectives:  Worldwide efforts to protect front line providers performing endotracheal intubation during the COVID-19 pandemic have led to innovative devices.  Authors evaluated the aerosol containment effectiveness of a novel intubation aerosol containment system (IACS) compared with a recently promoted intubation box and no protective barrier.  Methods:  In a simulation center at the authors’ university, the IACS was compared to no protective barrier and an intubation box.


Along with the increasing use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), large volumes of aerial videos have been produced. It is unrealistic for humans to screen such big data and understand their contents. Hence methodological research on the automatic understanding of UAV videos is of paramount importance.

