Signal Processing
Traces of Bluetooth sightings by groups of users carrying small devices (iMotes) for a number of days.
This data includes a number of traces of Bluetooth sightings by groups of users carrying small devices (iMotes) for a number of days - in office environments, conference environments, and city environments.
All versions of this dataset, oldest to newest: v. 2006-01-31, v. 2006-09-15, v. 2009-05-29.
network type: bluetooth
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In this dataset, we provided the raw analog-to-digital-converter (ADC) data of a 77GHz mmwave radar for the carry object detection scenario. The overall dataset contains approximately 3000 frames of radar data as well as synchronized camera images and labels. For each radar frame, its raw data has 4 dimensions: samples (fast time), chirps (slow time), transmitters, and receivers. The experiment radar was assembled from the TI cascaded-chip TIDEP-01012 board, with 12 transmit antennas and 16 receive antennas.
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Many algorithms for compressed sensing are studied. The common guarantee for the reconstruction algorithm is restricted isometry property (RIP), which is shown to only hold under ideal assumptions. However, in practice, more than one ideal condition is often violated and there is no RIP-based guarantee application. Based on this discrepancy, we propose a new oblique subspace thresholding pursuit (ObSTP) algorithm. It is guaranteed by the restricted biorthogonality property (RBOP) which requires no ideal assumptions.
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This dataset is for the performance verification of sEMG-based intention recognition algorithm with upper-limb position effect.
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This data is designed for covariance matrix completion to train the neural networks.
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Sign languages are natural, gestural languages that use visual channel to communicate. Deaf people develop them to overcome their inability to communicate orally. Sign language interpreters bridge the gap that deaf people face in society and provide them with an equal opportunity to thrive in all environments. However, Deaf people often struggle to communicate on a daily basis, especially in public service spaces such as hospitals, post offices, and municipal buildings.
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This dataset contains continuous gesture data for both Chinese and English, including 14 Chinese characters and 4 English words. The Chinese characters are: 不 (bù), 程 (chéng), 刀 (dāo), 工 (gōng), 古 (gǔ), 今 (jīn), 力 (lì), 刘 (liú), 木 (mù), 石 (shí), 土 (tǔ), 外 (wài), 中 (zhōng), 乙 (yǐ). The English words included are: 'can', 'NO', 'Who', 'yes'.
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In this study, we present advances on the development of proactive control for online individual user adaptation in a welfare robot guidance scenario, with the integration of three main modules: navigation control, visual human detection, and temporal error correlation-based neural learning. The proposed control approach can drive a mobile robot to autonomously navigate in relevant indoor environments. At the same time, it can predict human walking speed based on visual information without prior knowledge of personality and preferences (i.e., walking speed).
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为了进一步丰富开源语音语料库,促进语音语言处理技术的发展,Magic Data联合中科院声学研究所、上海交通大学和西北工业大学,在Magichub开源社区正式开源180小时中文对话式语音数据集MagicData-RAMC。MagicData-RAMC是一批高质量且标注丰富的训练数据,可以很好地支持开发者完成语音识别和说话人日志相关的研究。
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This dataset provides Channel Impulse Response (CIR) measurements from standard-compliant IEEE 802.11ay packets to validate Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) methods. The CIR sequences contain reflections of the transmitted packets on people moving in an indoor environment. They are collected with a 60 GHz software-defined radio experimentation platform based on the IEEE 802.11ay Wi-Fi standard, which is not affected by frequency offsets by operating in full-duplex mode.
The dataset is divided into three parts:
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