Raw data of the sampled signals by our spectrometer and commercial OSA with the incident spectra plotted in Fig. 8.
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These datasets report data of 64 Force Sensing Resistors at multiple voltages. It was foun that the input voltage can be used to trim sensors' sensitivity and ultimately to reduce dispersion. The DMAIC cycle was used to reduce process variability on the basis of the Six Sigma Methodology. The zip folder contains:
1) a Matlab file for loading the data
2) four .txt files with the experimental data of Force Sensing resistors
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This dataset contains the collection of temperature, humidity, heat index, thermal discomfort index and temperature and humidity index of five indoor environments in São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected using the ESP32 microcontroller and the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.
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This dataset presents a collection of coordinates that belongs to paths generated with a 3D disjstkra algorithm,in diferents enviroments,with a grid size equal to one. The output is a six dimension vector that represents the action taken by the agent (z+,z-,y+,y-,x+,x-) based on his pose, sensors readings and the target.
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In this appendix, the tested implementation in Matlab of our 2D-TDOA localization algorithm is given for the easier repetition of the obtained results and the future hardware implementation, due to the complexity of the formulas (25)-(31).
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This is Chromatographic Data of some Transformer
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Using Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 standard, radio frequency waves are mainly used for communication on various devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and smart televisions. Apart from communication applications, the recent research in wireless technology has turned Wi-Fi into other exploration possibilities such as human activity recognition (HAR). HAR is a field of study that aims to predict motion and movement made by a person or even several people.
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