Remote Sensing

Known as the “Water Tower of Asia,” the Tibetan Plateau plays an important role not only in regional hydrology, but also in the larger, more global water cycle, as well as climate regulation. While this region plays such an important role, things get difficult when it comes to extracting water data using remote sensing techniques—primarily because of snow interference, which leads to all kinds of misjudgments and detection errors.


A new small aerial flame dataset, called the Aerial Fire and Smoke Essential (AFSE) dataset, is created which is comprised of screenshots from different YouTube wildfire videos as well as images from FLAME2. Two object categories are included in this dataset: smoke and fire. The collection of images is made to mostly contain pictures utilizing aerial viewpoints. It contains a total of 282 images with no augmentations and has a combination of images with only smoke, fire and smoke, and no fire nor smoke.


Access to continuous, quality assessed meteorological data is critical for understanding the climatology and atmospheric dynamics of a region. Research facilities like Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) rely on such data to assess site-specific climatology, model potential emissions, establish safety baselines, and prepare for emergency scenarios. To meet these needs, on-site towers at ORNL collect meteorological data at 15-minute and hourly intervals.


LSE, Atmospheric transmittance, upward and downward atmospheric radiation for GF-5B

The Thermodynamic Initial Guess Retrieval (TIGR) data set, in its latest version, is a climatological library of 2311 representative atmospheric situations selected by statistical methods from 80,000 radiosonde reports (Chédin et al., 1985; Achard, 1991; Chevallier et al., 1998). Each situation is described, from the surface to the top of the atmosphere, by the values of the temperature, water vapour and ozone concentrations on a given pressure grid.


This dataset corresponds to the measurements of two microstrip patch antennas, collected using the facility described in [1]. The available measurements contained within the dataset allow a complete characterization of the field radiated by these antennas. These fields can be introduced in enhanced microwave imaging algorithms that consider the field radiated by the transmitting and receiving antennas of the microwave imaging system [2] (modified Delay and Sum algorithm), [3] (modified Phase Shift Migration imaging algorithm).


This dataset is shared as part of the paper Towards scalable and low-cost WiFi sensing: preventing animal-vehicle collisions on rural roads, submitted to the IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J). It contains Wi-Fi Channel State Information (CSI) data from roadway crossings of small and large animals, persons and vehicles in rural environments.


PU and PC datasets both were obtained through the reflective optics spectrographic Image system (ROSIS) sensors in Pavia, which is located in the northern region of Italy. The PU image has 610 × 315 pixels, 144 bands in the range of 430 - 860 nm, and 1.3-m spatial resolution. The PC image has 1906 × 715 pixels, 102 bands in the range of 430 - 860 nm, and 1.3-m spatial resolution. Both datasets include 9 distinct categories. Houston data was acquired over the University of Houston campus and its neighboring area on June 23, 2012.


Sequences 1 and 2 are simulated from the satellite's perspective using CelesTrak data. Sequences 3 and 4 are real image sequences of asteroid 54. Sequences 1 and 2 each contain three targets, while sequences 3 and 4 each contain one target. Sequences 1 and 2 have a 2-degree field of view, 1s sampling interval, and targets with a $2\text{m}^2$ reflective area and 0.2 reflectivity. Sequences 3 and 4 were captured with a ground-based telescope (200 mm aperture, 1200 mm focal length, 0.86 arcseconds) and integration times of $2s$ and $3s$, respectively. 


1) RPaviaU-DPaviaC Dataset: The RPaviaU-DPaviaC dataset is constructed by amalgamating two publicly accessible HSI datasets: the ROSIS Pavia University (RPaviaU) scene and the DAIS Pavia Center (DPaviaC) scene. The RPaviaU dataset, featuring dimensions of 610 × 340 × 103, was acquired by the ROSIS HSI sensor over the terrain of the University of Pavia, Italy. Conversely, the DPaviaC dataset, with dimensions of 400 × 400 × 72, was collected using the DAIS sensor over the central area of Pavia City, Italy. These two scenes share a common set of seven land cover classes. 


Based on the analysis of laser characteristics, we have created a simulated dataset of near-infrared images of 1064nm laser spots. The spot collection process was carried out under natural light conditions. The divergence phenomenon during laser irradiation was excluded because the emitted 1064nm laser spots are adjustable.

