The data are made of nine sets of measurements of four chipless RFID tags. The first two are made of 2600 measurements made at 160 centimeters (distance between the tag and the antenna) without (first) and with (second) initial background subtraction. The third set is made of 5600 measurements made in the range of 50 – 140 centimeters. The next six sets are measurements made to test models trained with the third set. All the measurements are made in the monostatic configuration.
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This dataset is related to dog activity and is sensor data.
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Search-based software testing (SBST) is now a mature area, with numerous techniques developed to tackle the increasingly challenging task of software testing. SBST techniques have shown promising results and have been successfully applied in industry to automatically generate test cases for large and complex software systems. Their effectiveness, however, has been shown to be problem dependent.
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With the rapid deployment of indoor Wi-Fi networks, Channel State Information (CSI) has been used for device-free occupant activity recognition. However, various environmental factors interfere with the stable propagation of Wi-Fi signals indoors, which causes temporal variation of CSI data. In this study, we investigated temporal CSI variation in a real-world housing environment and its impact on learning-based occupant activity recognition.
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Screening tools play a vital role in sensory processing disorder detection. The automatic collection of features related to behavioral parameters and the response to given stimuli is possible with the recent technology. Real time stress related health parameters are collected as response to visual stimuli created with experts’ suggestions based on visual sensory processing related questionnaire. Body temperature and heart rate are obtained by smart watch.
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The design and implementation of an anthropomorphic robotic hand control system for the Bioengineering and Neuroimaging Laboratory LNB of the ESPOL were elaborated. The myoelectric signals were obtained using a bioelectric data acquisition board (CYTON BOARD) using six channels out of 8 available, which had an amplitude of 200 [uV] at a sampling frequency of 250 [Hz].
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Eight participants, sat on a stable chair with no arm rests and a high backrest, with his/her right arm strapped to the passive manipulator. The participant’s motion was simultaneously recorded using a Kinect sensor, an electronic goniometer (Biopac Systems, USA), and a passive marker motion capture system, V120:Trio (OptiTrack, USA). The Kinect sensor was placed 2 m in front and slightly above the participant. The goniometer was attached, using double-sided tape, to the participant’s arm above the elbow. Three reflective markers were used for the V120:Trio recording.
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Raw data files for Exp 1 and Exp 2: My virtual self: the role of movement in children’s sense of embodiment
Hayley Dewe*, Janna M. Gottwald*, Laura-Ashleigh Bird, Harry Brenton, Marco Gillies, & Dorothy Cowie (2021)
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Este conjunto de datos es el resultado de un instrumento de medición aplicado para el desarrollo del proyecto "Aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos para la caracterización de estudiantes bajo el efecto de la pandemia de COVID-19".
En dicho instrumento se recolectaron datos sobre de variables sociodemográficas, económicas, condiciones técnicas referentes a la educación a distancia, salud emocional, así como académicas de estudiantes de un programa educativo de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo.
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This dataset is the Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test(CPET) processed before using machine learning algorithms. The CPET cases went to a diverse feature engineering process that gives over 100 features and 4 labels. The labels are in binary and define if the patient has one of the following conditions, healthy, primary cardiac, pulmonary or other limitation.
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