Artificial Intelligence

ÛThis article examines Meta-AI's sociolinguistic challenges on WhatsApp through research-based analysis of its limitations in adapting lexicon and precise ethical practices in intercultural communication. The study demonstrates how Meta-AI system fails to read truncated vernacular speech patterns (“kenapa” → “enapa”) while missing customized slang (“puki”) used specifically in Maluku, North Maluku and East Nusa Tenggara regions to show fundamental limitations in error recognition capabilities and contextual understanding.


This is the patent data we collected from USTPO. Its part of the paper that we used for our study. It contains patent data regarding financial, assistive, and artificial intelligence technology convergence. These patents are all registered in USPTO (united states patent and trademark office) from 2001 to 2020. These data were used for network analysis. Further details will be uploaded after paper acception.


Dataset was created for the purposes of exploring time distortion with non-ideal near-field conditions. A 90 Hz square wave is played at 100dBA through a bookshelf speaker with the port removed. The recordings were captured at 5 separate axial distances (From 2" to 17", following inverse square law), and at three levels of resistive loading (No added resistance, 1.5 ohm, 3 ohm). The DC resistance of the speaker was measured at 6.9 ohms. To avoid overtraining, captures were recorded on a moving dynamic microphone.  


Integrating multiple (sub-)systems is essential to create advanced Information Systems. Difficulties mainly arise when integrating dynamic environments, e.g., the integration at design time of not yet existing services. This has been traditionally addressed using a registry that provides the API documentation of the endpoints.


Gramatika is a syntectic GEC dataset for Indonesian. The Gramatika dataset has a total of 1.5 million sentences with 4,666,185 errors. Of all sentences, only 30,000 (2%) are correct sentences with no mistakes. Each sentence has a maximum of 6 errors, and there can only be 2 of the same error type in each sentence.We also split the dataset into three splits: train, dev, and test splits, with the proportion of 8:1:1 (with the size of 1,199,705, 150,171, and 150,124 sentences, respectively).


Gramatika is a syntectic GEC dataset for Indonesian. The Gramatika dataset has a total of 1.5 million sentences with 4,666,185 errors. Of all sentences, only 30,000 (2%) are correct sentences with no mistakes. Each sentence has a maximum of 6 errors, and there can only be 2 of the same error type in each sentence.We also split the dataset into three splits: train, dev, and test splits, with the proportion of 8:1:1 (with the size of 1,199,705, 150,171, and 150,124 sentences, respectively).


This paper presents an enhanced methodology for network anomaly detection in Industrial IoT (IIoT) systems using advanced data aggregation and Mutual Information (MI)-based feature selection. The focus is on transforming raw network traffic into meaningful, aggregated forms that capture crucial temporal and statistical patterns. A refined set of 150 features including unique IP counts, TCP acknowledgment patterns, and ICMP sequence ratios was identified using MI to enhance detection accuracy.


This study introduces a high-resolution UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) remote sensing image dataset aimed at advancing the development of deep learning-based farmland boundary extraction techniques and supporting the optimal deployment of Solar Insect Lights (SILs). Agricultural pests pose a significant threat to crop health and yield, while traditional pest control methods often cause environmental pollution.


This paper explores the cryptanalysis of the ASCON algorithm, a lightweight cryptographic method designed for applications like the Internet of Things (IoT). We utilize deep learning techniques to identify potential vulnerabilities within ASCON's structure. First, we provide an overview of how ASCON operates, including key generation and encryption processes.


This paper explores the cryptanalysis of the ASCON algorithm, a lightweight cryptographic method designed for applications like the Internet of Things (IoT). We utilize deep learning techniques to identify potential vulnerabilities within ASCON's structure. First, we provide an overview of how ASCON operates, including key generation and encryption processes.

