Machine Learning
Future wireless networks must incorporate awareness, adaptability, and intelligence as fundamental building elements in order to meet the wide range of requirements of the next-generation communication systems. Wireless sensing techniques can be used to gather awareness from the radio signals present in the surroundings. However, threats from hostile attackers, such as jamming, eavesdropping, and manipulation, are also present along with this. This paper describes in detail an RF-jamming detection test-bed and provides experimentally measured data.
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This dataset provides wireless measurements from two industrial testbeds: iV2V (industrial Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and iV2I+ (industrial Vehicular-to-Infrastructure plus sensor).
iV2V covers 10h of sidelink communication scenarios between 3 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), while iV2I+ was conducted for around 16h at an industrial site where an autonomous cleaning robot is connected to a private cellular network.
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The complete description of the dataset can be found at:
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A real-world radio frequency (RF) fingerprinting dataset for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Bluetooth and WiFi emitters under challenging testbed setups is presented in this dataset. The chipsets within the devices (2 laptops and 8 commercial chips) are WiFi-Bluetooth combo transceivers. The emissions are captured with a National Instruments Ettus USRP X300 radio outfitted with a UBX160 daughterboard and a VERT2450 antenna. The receiver is tuned to record a 66.67 MHz bandwidth of the spectrum centered at the 2.414 GHz frequency.
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Synthetic Digitally Modulated Signal Datasets for Automatic Modulation Classification contain CSPB.ML.2018 and CSPB.ML.2022, two high-quality communication signal datasets with eight modulation types: BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, pi/4-DQPSK, MSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, and 256-QAM. There are 14,000 signals of each modulation type in each dataset for a total of 112,000 signals per dataset. The two datasets are useful for signal processing testing, neural network (NN) training, initial NN testing, and out-of-distribution NN testing as signal generation parameters differ between the two datasets.
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Opening up of the CBRS band for the secondary users' transmissions poses challenges in the protection of incumbent radar users from co-channel interference. The use of Machine Learning algorithms for addressing these challenges requires representative real-world datasets.This dataset contains overlapping radar and LTE signals captures over-the-air in the shared CBRS band using an experimental testbed composed of software defined radios in RF anechoic chamber.
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Wireless Intelligence Channel (WIC) is a realistic channel data set, which is designed for deep learning research work in MIMO as well as other applications. The WIC data set is obtained directly through commercial BSs and a device capable of data acquisition that is similar to a commercial terminal. The scene selection and parameter configuration involved in the experiment are based on the characteristics of realistic scenarios and the existing configurations in commercial BSs, without assumptions and restrictions on the ideal experimental conditions.
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This dataset serves as the Geolocation Database for TV White Space. The dataset contains channel information and availability data. The channel information has the following columns: CHANNEL, COMPANY_NAME, DIGITAL, CALLSIGN, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, LOWER_BAND, UPPER_BAND, TX_FREQ, ERP, TX_PWR. CHANNEL refers to the channel used, expressed in CH + channel number. COMPANY_NAME is the company name of the primary user. DIGITAL has a value of 1 when it use a digital transmission, otherwise it has a value of 0. CALLSIGN is the callsign of the primary user.
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Here we provide the dataset containing the power measurements obtained with our RIS prototype, which were carried out in the anechoic chamber of TU Darmstadt.
The use of data here contained is intended only for research purposes.
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