Image Processing
Three exemplary knee bone models derived from ultrasound imaging and their respective magnetic resonance imaging reference.
Apart from the ground truth, a partial scan as accessable by ultrasound imaging as well as full bone model computed by a statistical shape model is provided.
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zip and czip format
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this is dataset for our paper: "Large-scale Benchmark for Uncooled Infrared Image Deblurring", submitted for IEEE SIgnal Processing Letters.
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Accurate recognition of targets in the orchard environment is the key to vision perception for picking robots. Factors such as small, densely growing plum fruit targets and high occlusion lead to unsatisfactory recognition of plum fruit by vision algorithms. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved YOLOv5s model to detect highly occluded and dense plums in orchards. First, the backbone network of YOLOv5s is improved in this paper.
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Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) is a technique used to identify signal modulations in applications like cognitive radar, software-defined radio, and electronic warfare. With future communication systems like 6G operating at higher transmission frequencies than 5G, AMC algorithms need to be more complex yet suitable for embedded devices with limited resources. Although current AMC algorithms deliver high accuracy, they require substantial computing power, making them unsuitable for such devices.
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CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart). Only humans can successfully complete this test; current computer systems cannot. It is utilized in several applications for both human and machine identification. Text-based CAPTCHAs are the most typical type used on websites. Most of the letters in this protected CAPTCHA script are in English, it is challenging for rural residents who only speak their native tongues to pass the test.
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Development of the Complex-Valued (CV) deep learning architectures has enabled us to exploit the amplitude and phase components of the CV Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. However, most of the available annotated SAR datasets provide only the amplitude information (Only detected SAR data) and disregard the phase information. The lack of high-quality and large-scale annotated CV-SAR datasets is a significant challenge for developing CV deep learning algorithms in remote sensing.
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Millions of people suffer from diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness among working aged adults. For clinical datasets, i have conducted the pilot study at SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Chennai for diabetic patients. Then we collected the retinal images from patients for further evaluation, All images were graded by experienced ophthalmologist for model training and testing purpose.
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